After several changes to the travel arrangements, it ended up with Rob travelling to Dundee with the boys from Reckless and I made the journey up later with my good friend Janet, stopping off on the way to introduce her to the delights of Dr Noodles!

The first match of the main show was Rawlins v LJT. I have to admit that I love watching Rawlins play heel and he did a great job of that here. While the majority of the crowd were firmly behind LJT, Rawlins did have a small group of supporters chanting for him too. Both these guys just go for it and don't hold back anything, giving the fans plenty to cheer about. There was a cracking move where LJT dropkicked the legs of Rawlins as he stood on the ring apron, sending him to the floor. After a short battle outside the ring, Rawlins returned to the ring in order to suicide dive LJT! This was a cracking match up and it looked like Rawlins would take the win with his crossface submission move, but LJT doesn't know how to quit and made it to the ropes to break the hold, before scoring the pinfall himself.
Next Bravehart appeared with Jam O'Malley and The Trident. As all match winners would be going into the final elimination match, Bravehart decided that Jam O'Malley would have a match and called for a referee. Edith Summers answered the call and after assuring Bravehart that O'Malley would be eligible for the match if he scored a pinfall, Bravehart lay down and let Jam pin him. After Edith had reluctantly counted the pinfall, it appeared that all five men were about to attack her as payback for events at Hell For Lycra. Nikki Storm then made her entrance and berated the men for ganging up on a woman...before turning and attacking Summers herself. LJT came out to the ring, sending Storm and the men scattering, before helping the injured Summers backstage.
The final match of the first half saw Venym take on SWE Champion Ian Ambrose in a non-title match. I really enjoyed this match. Venym put on a great show against the champion, swinging him around the ring, clotheslining him over the top rope then dropkicking him off the apron and had a couple of near pins. Ambrose had his moments too, including his double foot stomp from the top turnbuckle and a cracking dropkick. After they took each other down with a double clothesline, Venym appeared to have the advantage but it was not to be his night and the match ended with Ambrose rolling up Venym and grabbing a handful of tights as leverage to score the three count.
The first match of the second half saw Jackie Grady face off against Joe Hendry. This was thankfully a short match. I say thankfully as I found it really hard to watch as it appeared that Hendry went all out to destroy and humiliate his younger, lighter opponent and Grady never really stood a chance. Despite the crowd trying to rally Grady, it was Hendry's match from start to finish.
Next saw Jay the Jackal challenge Scotty Riccio for the Future Division title. This was marred slightly by the fact that a regular attendee had been banned due to issues between himself and The Jackal and a group of people who were unhappy with this decision decided to leave the hall during this match in support of this fan. The match itself was good with the Jackal being his usual horrible self and Riccio pulling of some delightful aerial moves. The match ended in a win for The Jackal after the action spilled outside of the ring and Riccio somehow ended up with his foot caught in the barriers, causing him to be counted out. The Jackal was elated until it was pointed out that the title could only change hands by pinfall or submission and therefore Riccio retained the title. Once the irate Jackal had left the ring, Riccio then called three fans into the ring to present them with birthday cards and gifts.
Finally it was time for the main event - the Sole Survivor elimination match. Announced as the sole member of his team was LJT. Next Bravehart appeared with Nikki Storm, Jam O'Malley and the Trident and already it looked like the odds were firmly stacked against fan favourite LJT. Suddenly Olaf from Frozen appeared at ringside and unmasked to reveal none other than Chaz Phoenix. As the other members of Bravehart's team, Jay the Jackal, Joe Hendry and Ian Ambrose appeared, it was now a 7 on 1 battle, but Phoenix announced there would be two men to join LJT's team, Mikey and "The Beast from Belfast" Damian O'Connor. This was an absolute belter but I am not even going to try to describe this match.....instead I suggest you check it out for yourself by clicking here!

SWE's next event is Uprising on 31 January. Tickets are on sale now and advance ticket holders will get early entry and a pre-show bonus match. Check them out on Facebook for information on events and tickets.
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