So once again we were in Livingston for Reckless Intent's second show at Murieston Scout Hall. We arrived early at the unit to help load up the ring and then set up at the Scout Hall. I helped out with ticket sales and merchandise and although Rob was not wrestling, he was to be a lumberjack. Pre-sales had been good and it turned out to be another sell out show. I am not going to go into a lot of detail about each of the matches because I have been such a slacker, it's now three weeks since the event and virtually all of the matches are up on YouTube for your viewing pleasure!!
The first match was scheduled to be a Fatal Fourway but ended up a Triple Threat between Craig "The Firestorm" Valant, Venym and Jackie Grady, who was accompanied to the ring by "West Grady". Valant and Venym appeared to be working together against Grady early on, however neither was willing to let the other make the pinfall so they inevitably had to battle each other. The added element of "West Grady" at ringside, mimicking Grady came into play when Grady rolled out of the ring after being suplexed by Venym. Valant then slammed Venym to the canvas before leaving the ring to retrieve Grady, only to find it was "West Grady" trying to hide under the ring, while Grady appeared at the other side of the ring and attempted to sneak attack Venym from behind. While Venym was able to counter and put Grady down, Valant grabbed his opportunity and nailed Venym to score the pinfall.
The next match between JJ Russell and Scotty Riccio also became a Triple Threat match. As GM Jason McKinlay introduced Riccio to the Reckless Intent crowd, SWE co-owner Bravehart appeared and demanded that Trident member Darren Blair be allowed to compete in the match. With the Bo'ness Rugby Club in attendance once again, they made their feelings toward Bravehart very obvious. Similar to the previous match, Riccio and Russell worked together against Blair until the issue of the pinfall came up. Another great match which came to an end as Blair and Russell were pulling each other's beards, Riccio hit a double dropkick leaving both men on the ropes in a set up for the 619. Russell managed to move out of the way and Blair took the move, however he managed to move out of the way of Riccio's springboard moonsault, leaving Riccio face down on the mat and allowing Russell to capitalise, hitting Blair with the "Sister Abigail" to take the win and give the Bo'ness boys something to cheer about.
The next match was supposed to be AJ Russell v Claymore, but in another card change, he instead faced LJT. This was a great match. Both these guys come out with masks but remove them to wrestle and you are never exactly sure which side of sanity they are on. They are both good on the mat and pull off cracking flying moves. LJT dropkicked Russell over the top rope, but Russell had the smarts to move before LJT followed up by launching himself over the top rope and moved to the other side of the ring ready to catch LJT with a boot to the face when he attempted a suicide dive. This went back and forth and looked like LJT would be victorious after a stunner and a boot to the face of Russell but somehow Russell kicked out. Russell then capitalised, moving out of the way of another aerial move by LJT before finally hitting a massive frogsplash from the top rope and getting the 3 count. Not a popular win for the regular Reckless Intent crowd, but the Bo'ness Rugby Club were ecstatic.
The first half main event saw Mikey v Joe Hendry, with Mikey's career on the line. Hendry came out to the ring and got on the microphone...and promptly became the butt of all the Bo'ness boys jokes. Jason McKinlay interrupted to make an announcement that, because so much was at stake and both men had been attacked by SOS at the last event, this would now be a lumberjack match. It was very obvious which camp each lumberjack was in and there was a bit of a run in with the Bo'ness boys and Saint-George both before and during the match. There was something for everyone in this match with Hendry using his technical skills, Mikey showing his aerial skills (including taking out half the lumberjacks flying over the top rope) and outside interference, first by the lumberjacks - Saint-George grabbed Mikey's leg more than once - and then by the appearance of the SOS. With several near falls by both guys, this could have gone either way but, having suffered three losses to Hendry in the past, this was to be Mikey's night when, after being suplexed twice by Hendry, he managed to counter an attempt at a third and roll Hendry up instead to take the three count.
The second half started with a tag team match pitting Saint-George and Ian Ambrose against Bobby Roberts and DCT. With Bravehart and Darren Blair at ringside interfering, this was never going to be a fair match, however the referee did send them backstage. Ambrose and Saint-George continued with underhanded tactics, keeping one member of the team isolated in their corner to enable them to double-team as the ref kept the other member from entering the ring and, in the case of Bobby Roberts, focusing on the left knee. Saint-George was also debuting some new ring gear which was not very flattering and I doubt we will be seeing it again in the future! Ambrose appeared to have Roberts under control when Roberts pulled off an amazing mid air spear on Ambrose as he leapt from the top rope. This gave both men the chance to tag in their partners and DCT let loose on Saint-George, with several near pin attempts before

The penultimate match saw Rawlins face Jay the Jackal. This match had its share of controversial moments as well as some humour. Rawlins starting by addressing Wee Jimmy at ringside as though he was Jay, which infuriated his opponent, following up by taking a seat in the crowd and starting what appeared to be a "Jimmy" chant. The crowd love Rawlins as the good guy and were firmly behind him throughout the match. Referee Conor Frost played an important part in this match, first stopping Rawlins from leaving the ring to follow The Jackal, allowing The Jackal to sweep his leg on the ring apron and gain the advantage. With Rawlins prone in the ring, The Jackal decided to get in the face of one of the crowd members, who had to be restrained by Jam O'Malley. Then as Rawlins made his comeback in the match, a boot mean for the face of The Jackal instead connected with the referee. Rawlins then got The Jackal in his crossface submission and The Jackal tapped out, however with referee Frost down and out, there was no-one to call it! As Rawlins roused Frost, The Jackal hit him with a lowblow and rolled him up for the three count to take a very unpopular win.
The Main event had been advertised for some time as Scott Renwick putting the title on the line against a face from his past, someone who had take a title from him before. Shortly before the event it was announced that his opponent would be Eric Canyon who, with the help of some friends, had taken Renwick's NWA belt back in 2011. This time Canyon would not have his friends to help, nor would he have support in the crowd who were very much behind Renwick and it was this support which helped rally "The Butcher" during a brutal but fantastic match. Both guys put on one hell of a show, battling both in and out of the ring, but Canyon finally succumbed to the "Angels Wings" and Renwick left ringside still holding his belt.
So another cracking show at Murieston, which looks to be the regular venue for Reckless Intent's monthly shows. The next event here is Reckless Intentions 3 on 7 February with tickets on sale now. Check out their Facebook page for tickets and details of the matches are already being announced, including an early entry and special pre-show bonus match for advance ticket holders.
Of course there is also Sunday Slam on 25 January at the RI Unit with entry costing just £5 on the door. See you there!!
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