Saturday 14 June 2014
This was a wrestling event with a difference. I have to admit that I haven't been to a gala day in years. When Rob was younger, he found the crowds, noise and general chaos too much to handle so it was just another thing to avoid. As he got older, his ability to deal with the crowds, noise and chaos improved, but his interest in the shows and stalls diminished. As a result, I had absolutely no idea what a gala day entailed and how a wrestling show could be incorporated into it.
Our day started early and we met up with some of the crew at the RI unit at 8.45am, then it was off to Blackburn to get set up. The first thing that had to be decided was whether the ring would be set up outdoors or in the local sports centre. It was very overcast but forecasts said it would brighten up so outside it was. The next hurdle was to get the van over to where we would be setting up without getting stuck in the muddy sections. After that it was time to build a wrestling ring....and I think I gave a few of those boys a bit of a shock when I got stuck in - just call me She-Ra!! Once the ring was up, it was time to get the barriers up and backstage area sorted. It was then time for a well deserved break and a wee spot of lunch while the boys have their planning session. Because Rob is training with Reckless Intent, I am a little more involved in their shows than other promotions but my one rule is that I don't want to know what goes on in the ring until it happens.

At 1.30pm the show was ready to start and a small crowd began to gather. Rather than picking my usual spot to watch and cheer/jeer the lads, I watched to see who I thought were getting into the matches, then made my way to that area and tried to start some chants. Some folk joined right in, while a few others eyed me warily while staying silent. Another thing that surprised me about the show is that, because it was a small part of the Gala Day,

I assumed that there would be three or four matches to give the crowd a wee taste of the "Reckless Intent Experience" but no, they actually put on a full show with 6 one-on-one matches and a 10 man elimination match for the UK Title. And so onto the wrestling...although I apologise if this seems like more of results list than a proper review of each match as I was wandering around a fair bit.....
With the General Manager John Long in action, the guest GM and Ring Announcer for the day was my biggest fan, Saint-George Bernard. As he took to the ring to bore...I mean regale.. us with his musings (and whinging about his broken thumb), the bagpipes of a local pipe band started up, much to his annoyance and the amusement of the crowd!

First up, current UK title holder Jackie Grady faced Juan El Loco Gato in a non-title match. The crowd were not impressed with Grady's cockiness, however they loved Juan's cheeky and colourful character and were firmly behind him throughout the match. Unfortunately Grady won the match, but Juan won the crowd!

With the running battle between John Long and Lowblow coming to a head on 28 June at Proving Grounds, both men had "warm-up" matches at this event. John Long faced Chavi, who came out to the ring with a bottle of Irn-Bru instead of his usual Buckfast (well it was a Gala Day after all). The crowd loved it, especially the kid Chavi handed the bottle to. The match went back and forward with the crowd chanting for Chavi, however it wasn't enough to keep Long from taking the win.

In the second "warm-up" match, Lowblow faced Venym. With Saint-George getting in the face of Venym at the start, warning him not to let Lowblow win, the match seemed stacked. The match saw some good moves from both men, however despite the warnings, it was the crowd favourite Lowblow who took the win...although I didn't actually see the end of this match as I was busy getting my photo taken with another blue-haired phenomenon, Sonic the Hedgehog!!

After a short interval it was back to the action and first up, Disturbed v Disturbed. This was a really weird match which was very difficult to get into. With two identical figures in the ring it was impossible to cheer as you were cheering both men and with each making identical moves and making the appropriate counter moves it was more a dance than a match. With the crowd pretty much silent in their confusion, this ended in a double count out when the Disturbed ones took their battle outside of the ring and backstage!
Next up, Mikey against Darren Lewis. Lewis appeared without his glittery, feathery robe and looking plain mean. This was quite a brutal match, with the action taking place both inside and outside of the ring. Lewis used his size advantage to dominate much of the match, however the crowd were delighted to see Mikey turn the tables and take the win. However, once again, a mystery figure in a "New Blood" hoodie appeared to attack Mikey. Will he appear again at Proving Grounds?
The penultimate match saw Rawlins face Johnny Lions. I had only seen Lions a couple of times before in SWE shows and the last time was in October 2013. The first thing I noticed is that he had bulked up some and was looking really good. This was another great match which saw several near falls for both men and a foot on the rope saving Rawlins from losing his title. There were some cracking moments, such as Lions holding Rawlins in a suplex for what seemed like forever. This was a cracking match and scores my vote for Match of the Day (because it was an afternoon show). Despite his best efforts, Lions was unable to take the win and Rawlins retained the gold....and got a faceful of silly string to boot. I really hope I get the chance to see Lions in action again soon.

Finally we had a ten man elimination match for the UK Championship. It as an over the top rope battle royal style until down to the final four when pinfalls and submissions would also count. The start of the match was utter chaos and much of the action took place outside of the ring....and even over the crowd barriers. At one point, with the majority of the wrestlers outside of the barriers in a massive battle, one of the Disturbed jumped on them from the roof of the van. Controversy reigned again as once back in the ring, Lowblow eliminated John Long and Venym, only to be eliminated himself when
Saint-George got into the ring and threw him out! Jackie Grady tried to reprise his trick of hiding under the ring, but this time Mikey was having none of it, dragging him out and making him compete properly. Things settled as we got down to the final four, Jackie Grady, Mikey, Johnny Lions and Darren Lewis. Johnny Lions and Mikey got the pin on Lewis before Grady eliminated Lions over the top rope, leaving Mikey and Grady to fight it out for the title. Mikey took the upper hand and kept it, finally delivering the Go To Sleep and pinning Grady to become the new UK Champion. Click here to watch a highlight video of it - seriously, do it, it's damn good!!
Then it was time to strip everything down (once again I got stuck in), pack up the van then head back to the RI Unit to unload again. I tell you, I have a whole new appreciation for all those guys in all the promotions I visit. There was a lot of heavy lifting and carrying...and then the boys had to get into the ring and entertain too! I decided I had earned the right to a few beers when I got home and that's exactly what I did....only after 2 beers I was wiped out and in bed by 10pm....but I had an absolute blast and I hope the lads will let me help out again when they appear at next year's event!
Reckless Intent have their next event "Proving Grounds" on Saturday 28 June in Livingston. For more information, check them out on
Facebook or their
website. Also you can see matches from previous events on their
YouTube Channel
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