What can I say about this show....it was nothing short of spectacular. I thought it would be difficult for a show to equal the BCW show of the previous week but there was no fear of that, this was definitely the best show I have EVER seen.
When you are walking through the nightclub and into the room where the wrestling is held, you can feel the electric atmosphere building. With PCW, it is only the first two rows that are seating and you are allocated seats so if you book tickets as a group, you stay together. So when I got to my seat, saw that it was plastic and in line with the centre of the ring.....I knew it was going to be a very interesting night...
Just as ring announcer Joanna Rose had come out to announce the first match, she was interrupted by the PCW Champion Joey Hayes. He gets into the ring and starts saying he does not understand why the fans love Danny Hope so much, this gets the crowd chanting ‘Tassle-tastic’. He then rants that how he was a good guy just like Danny but what did he get from the fans...nothing but disrespect and boos! He went on to proclaim that he doesn’t need to wrestle Danny tonight and that he will just stand outside the ring and get counted out so he retains the title. At this point PCW owner, Steven Fludder, comes out and tells Joey that it will not be that easy and makes the Title Match a lumberjack match!
Martin Kirby vs AR Fox
I wasn’t sure what to expect from this match. I am a huge fan of Kirby but AR Fox was an unknown entity, I have never seen any of his work, he did not disappoint. The crowd were definitely split with joint ‘Martin Kirby’,’ARFox’ chants. In the early stages of the match was going back and forward with Kirby using ‘C’mon ref, he’s pulling my hair!’ Some the high flying moves AR Fox was executing were totally mind blowing, Kirby gave as good as he got. After a hugely entertaining match, Kirby pins AR Fox for the win.
Noam Dar vs Steve Corino
A majority of the crowd were behind Noam Dar for the match. Giving a Noam Dar rendition of ‘No Limits’ and the Imperial March from Star Wars (to which Noam started marching round the ring). Before the match started, Noam asked who would like to hold his jacket, of course, I had to offer my services for this job but he made me promise to give it back and he tried to get the fans to chant my name but failed miserable! When the match got start, the size difference between the two was very noticeable and Noam had a little difficulty trying to get his opponent down. He did manage to land a few cheeky slaps to which Corino called him a cheeky little “monkey”! After a good match in which Noam had a couple of near submissions, Steve Corino pick up the win by pinfall. Noam was not a happy person after getting beat, he storms out the ring, grabs his jacket off me with a ‘Gie’s ma f****n jacket’ and marches backstage like a petulant child!
Dave Mastiff vs Charlie Garrett I believe this match had come about due to what happened during the rumble at the previous event. This is the first time I had even heard of Charlie Garrett, not one who has been on my radar! I must admit when he entered the ring he looked very impressive. The crowd were very much behind Dave Mastiff for the fight with the chant ‘You’re our favourite b*****d’! It was during this match, things started getting scary, on a couple of occasions I made a dash from where I was sitting as Garrett landed where my feet would have been! The power of Dave Mastiff was unbelievable, it looked like Garrett was running into a brick wall as his shoulder charges made little or no impact on Mastiff. At one point Mastiff was on the outside of the ring and Garrett tried to baseball slide him but Mastiff trapped him in the ring apron. Mastiff pins Garrett after giving him the cannonball!
Team Single vs Legion of Boom & Dean Allmark
This match was not announced prior to the night. Originally it was supposed to be Bubblegum vs Dean Allmark but Bubblegum could not come to the ring without the Tag Champions and other members of Team Single T-Bone and Rampage Brown. All three men descended upon Dean Allmark but before they could reach him, out came Legion of Boom (Dave Rayne & Chris Masters) making this a six-man tag match. Legion of Boom are definitely the fans favourite in this match. At the start, Allmark wanted Bubblegum to face him but he refused and told T-Bone to go in first. After a few tags from each team, Team Single manage to get the better of Legion of Boom and Allmark by stopping Dave Rayne tagging in any of his partners and takes a beating in their corner with some underhand tactics from Team Single! Eventually Dave manages to get a second wind when he is up against Bubblegum and manages to tag in his partner which leads to Team Single entering the ring. After the melee, the team of Legion of Doom and Dean Allmark are victorious.
El Ligero vs Petey Williams
I was really looking forward to this match, El Ligero is becoming one of my favourite wrestlers. He impresses me more every time I see him and makes me want to see more of him. In this match, the crowd was split in who to support. Soon after the crowd were quiet, only the odd shout, which clearly did not take away how good the two stars in the ring. Both were so equally match throughout, it was a tough one to call. After a few near falls, Petey hit El Ligero with the Canadian Destroyer to score the win by pin.
Kris Travis vs Prince Fergal Devitt
For me, this was MOTN by far. I know I could be accused of being biased since I am a massive fan of Kris Travis and even writing this my heart is skipping beats! First Trav come out to rapturous applause from the crowd....then out comes Devitt with the Punisher bodyart! Right from the start this is a fast paced match, with both men exchanging blow. Devitt’s chops would rival BT Gunn’s, if I am being honest, the echoes around the nightclub were immense but I had to spare a thought for the guy on the receiving end of them. Trav took the upper hand and gave the signal...I ran!! First Devitt comes flying, quickly followed by Trav, chairs went flying along with my bag, jacket and phone, I am glad it is made with sturdy stuff! Next Devitt grabs Trav and tries to Irish Whip him into the wall but Trav is wise to this and runs up the wall and back flips over Devitt...but I thought there was a slight under rotation and Trav was off balance when he landed. The two men continued to fight around the ring, chairs continued to fly and my heart was constantly in my mouth, scared in case someone got hurt! Unfortunately there could only be one winner and that went to Prince Fergal Devitt by pin. This match well and truly deserved the standing ovation and chants of ‘That was Awesome ‘ and ‘One more time’. I did get a high five from Trav as he left the ring that made my night!
After the match, they brought Jesse McClure and Elizabeth Fludder out to draw the raffle. Jesse asked who we supported in Storage Hunters. When we booed Brandori, he asked security to banish us from the building. I didn’t win anything this time!
Joey Hayes (Champion) vs Danny Hope
Before the match they brought out the lumberjacks T-Bone, Rampage Brown, Bubblegum, Dave Rayne, Chris Masters, Terry Funk, Big Van Vader and Rikishi.
This was a good match with action in and out the ring. Team Single was standing right in front of us but I have never seen a bigger chicken than Bubblegum!!! Hiding behind us at every opportunity, especially when one of the other lumberjacks came near him. In the ring it was back and forth, Joey was thrown from the ring on the far side but was quickly back in when Masters and Vader started pounding down on him! I did ask Bubblegum at this point, if anyone comes this way to give me warning so I don’t get injured and was told no because he would be standing behind me! More toing and froing in the ring with Danny being ejected at our side but as team single go to beat him down, round come all the other lumberjack to save him. Terry Funk then starts to beat down T-bone then Bubblegum with the latter landing on his backside, Funk also gave Rayne a punch into the bargain. At this point, I didn’t know where to look...as T-bone had started attacking Terry Funk. Finally Joey Hayes got the win to retain the title. Team Single had started to celebrate with him, then the other lumberjacks entered the ring, Vader attacked Joey and whipped him in the corner, this clearly knocked Joey!! The fans started baying for the Rikishi’s stink face which he was glad to give Hayes a taste of! This was followed up by a Vader bomb! Luckily for Joey he managed to get out of there before any more punishment could be bestowed on him.
After the matched we were entertained by some dancing from Rikishi, Vader, Funk, Masters, Rayne and Hope!
The show was out of this world, not one bad fight amongst the seven of them. The only thing I could criticise is that there were too many imports but I would highly recommend this company to any wrestling fan out there.
Claire Davidson
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