Satuday 30 May 2015
As always, the last Saturday of the month is SWE Uprising so a wee trip to Dundee was required. This time I decided to sit on the other side of the hall to see if I got better photos....the answer was not really so in June I will be back in my usual spot!!
Since I am a bit behind with my blogs (getting to be the usual these days) I am going to cop out once again and not get into too much detail but as SWE have made this entire event available for free on YouTube, why not click here and check it out for yourself!
After the usual welcome from regular MC and ring announcer, Chris Duke, the show kicked off with the entrance music of Ian Ambrose playing, which caused a stir as Ambrose had announced just after the European Tournament that he was stepping away from wrestling to dedicate more time to his young son. Instead, The Jackal and his "Associate" appear, laughing at the fans who were hoping to see Ambrose. The Jackal then offered a "special opportunity" and issued an open challenge for the SWE Future Division Championship to anyone except Scotty Riccio.....
...which was answered by MDK, who came to the ring accompanied by Chaz Phoenix. This match was virtually non-existent...but ended up entertaining for all the wrong reasons. The match ended in a disqualification after just a few minutes when the "Associate" got involved, costing The Jackal the match but saving the title which can only change hands by pinfall or submission. As Phoenix made his way into the ring, he threw in a chair, which accidentally hit the referee. The Jackal and his "Associate" made their escape as Phoenix announce that the fans had been robbed of a decent match and required compensation...and that would be in the form of a tag match later that evening with MDK and Chaz Phoenix facing "The Jackal and Lurch" (Chaz's words!!) which was met with a resounding cheer from the fans.
Next out to the ring was SWE co-owner Bravehart, who addressed the fact that "one of his favourites" Ian Ambrose had left and put the blame on LJT for this before giving LJT a message "if you have any sense, you will leave this company". Of course he also took the opportunity to have a dig at the accidental chair shot in the previous match and said that Phoenix should be sanctioned in the same way he was after he hit a referee. After having a go at Chris Duke, he then announced that he was declaring himself fit to wrestle and that he would be back in action later that night.
Next was tag team action with Conor Frost teaming with Trident member Darren Blair to face The ComixZone, with Rawlins as Batman and Venym as Superman. The Dundee crowd love The ComixZone and they had plenty to cheer for as Rawlins and Venym worked well together to take the upper hand. Unfortunately Blair broke the pin attempt and left Venym out of action at ringside, allowing the heels to punish Rawlins in the ring. Eventually Venym was able to get back onto the ring to make the tag and things were looking up for the ComixZone until once again Blair broke a pin attempt, this time sending Rawlins into the barriers before double teaming Venym and scoring the win. Despite the result, I really enjoyed this match.
It was then time for a triple threat match - Felix Fortune v Mikey v Jackie Grady. As Fortune and Mikey waited in the ring, Grady was announced several times, before finally appearing from the crowd with a towel round his head, claiming he had been in the shower. Fortune and Grady initially worked together against Mikey until Fortune tried to roll up Grady. It was very telling that the crowd were still chanting for Mikey while Grady and Fortune battled in the ring and they were rewarded as Mikey took the win, pinning Grady after delivering a boot to the head of Fortune, knocking him from the ring apron.
I mentioned in my European Tournament blog that I was looking forward to seeing both Kenny Kyd and JD Wilde facing other members of the SWE roster. In the final match of the first half, Kenny Kyd faced Trident member Steven "Air" Myles. While the crowd didn't seem to get involved, this turned out to be a really nice match. Kyd took the victory after blocking Myles attempt at the 450 splash and then hitting him with a knee to the face before rolling him for the pinfall and, in a very surprising turn of events, Myles proved himself not all bad and shook his hand....could Bravehart's influence be wavering and the Trident be falling apart??
The second half of the show began with LJT taking the microphone to address recent events and his upcoming match at Hell For Lycra against Joe Hendry for the Heavyweight Title. With Bravehart saying he would not be wrestling that night, LJT issued a challenge to Hendry to a match for the title then and there, starting a chant of "Joe Hendry" to the tune of 2 Unlimited's No Limits. The wrestler who appeared was not Hendry but JD Wilde, who had a few words to say himself before attacking LJT when his back was turned. He then demanded that the referee ring the bell to start the match, then proceeded to remove the pad from the top turnbuckle. This was a great match which received a "This is Awesome" chant from the crowd and scored my vote as Match of the Night. Wilde looked to have the match won after he hit LJT with a flying elbow, knocking him into the exposed turnbuckle, but instead of going for the pin he picked up LJT's baseball bat and was disqualified after hitting LJT in the gut with it. Wilde then used the bat to choke LJT and appeared to be about to smack him in the head when Steven "Air" Myles came out to make the save - another sign that The Trident is falling apart!
Next up saw Euan Mackie face Joe Hendry. If ever there was a mis-match, this was it. Hendry used his size and strength advantage to dominate Mackie but this is one guy who never gives up. Although he fought back as best he could and made some lovely moves to stun the Champion, Mackie was unable to overcome the odds and Hendry took the win. After the bell, Hendry executed his finishing move again before dumping Mackie through the ropes and onto the floor outside. As he celebrated, LJT appeared and after hitting Hendry with a cracking kick to the head after springing off the ropes, Hendry decided that he didn't want any part of LJT that night, climbing the barriers into the crowd in order to avoid LJT.
The penultimate match of the night saw Scotty Riccio facing Bravehart. It had been announced that if Riccio lost the match, he would not be on the card for Hell For Lycra but if he won, he would not only be on the card but he could pick his opponent. Bravehart started by giving the referee £10, telling him to make the three count. Thinking he had the ref in his pocket, Bravehart tried to cheat his way to the victory but Riccio was smart, letting Bravehart be his own worst enemy until Riccio was able to make the pinfall. Bravehart then grabbed the ref demanding to know what had happened to be told that he had done as he was asked and made the three count, Bravehart had to specifically said it was to be in his favour! Riccio now gets to pick his opponent for Hell For Lycra....and I think if The Jackal still has the Future Division belt at that time, it won't be difficult to guess who he will choose.
For the final match, Chris Duke invited the loudest fan to be the guest ring announcer....and I wonder if it is just coincidence that the wee lass he picked was standing right next to me???
The final match saw The Jackal & The Associate (who I have named Team Jack-Ass) against MDK & Chaz Phoenix. The Jackal demanded that Phoenix get in the ring first but showed himself as a coward by tagging his Associate as soon as Phoenix set foot in the ring. A slow but steady match where Team Jack-Ass cheated their way to the win when the Associate pulled MDK from the ring apron as Phoenix looked to make the tag. A tired Phoenix tried to hit The Jackal with a piledriver but The Jackal managed to fight his way out, grabbing the leg of Phoenix and rolling him up, using the tights as leverage, for the three count.
Things are definitely getting heated in the run up to Hell For Lycra on 29 August but there are still two Uprising shows in June and July which should not be missed.
For information and tickets for upcoming shows, check out SWE on Facebook
Generally wrestling related....although you never know what might show up here!!!!
Saturday, 27 June 2015
Wednesday, 24 June 2015
Review: Reckless Intent presents Sunday Slam: Is A Magical Place
Sunday 24 May 2015
The show started with Sunday Slam Champion, Craig "The Firestorm" Valant calling General Manager Jason McKinlay out to the ring to make an announcement. Valant stated that since winning the Sunday Slam title he felt he had become lazy, not attending training sessions or shows and that he did not deserve to hold the belt. He promised that he would take it back in the future as a fighting wrestler but for now he was relinquishing the belt and with that the Sunday Slam Title was vacated.
The SOS entrance music played and Scott "The Butcher" Renwick came out and stated that he had been promised a match with Valant, that he did not get that match and therefore he wanted a match there and then. Valant accepted the challenge and the match was on. This was a decent match but there was surprising very little crowd participation. Valant hit a cracking elbow drop before going for "The Firestorm", which Renwick tried to reverse into "The Angels Wings" but it was Valant who was the victor by successfully managing to re-reverse the move and score the pinfall.
Mikey then came out to the ring to make a face to face challenge to Renwick. As their match at No Going Back in March had to be cancelled due to Mikey's knee surgery being brought forward, Mikey had been looking to face Renwick since his return to the ring and had received no response to his video requests so face to face he made his challenge - Mikey v Renwick at Taking Over on 6 June, one-on-one with no Darren Lewis or Graeme Leask. Challenge accepted!!
Next up was Hardcore Champion, The Westler to face Saint-George but the mouthy Englishman did not appear. Instead Wee Jimmy got into the ring to challenge for the Hardcore belt. Just then Jam O'Malley's music played! O'Malley announced that his "wife" Saint-George could not attend due to lady problems then told Jimmy to step aside as O'Malley wanted to regain the Hardcore title and challenged Westy to a match for the belt. This was a fun match that could not be contained in the unit, spilling into the car park where Westy was force-fed Jaffa Cakes. Once back in the unit, Westy took the pinfall to retain the Hardcore belt but while he was celebrating, Rob Mills took the opportunity for a sneak attack and pinned Westy to win the title (and I actually saw it this time!) Once again Mills reign was short-lived as Sully took his revenge and the belt. Westy quickly rolled up Sully to retake the belt. O'Malley hugged Westy in congratulations but quickly made his move and pinned Westy to become Hardcore Champion, taking the microphone and telling Westy "don't trust anyone" before leaving with the belt.
The first half main event saw Rawlins face Theo Doros. The crowd took some time to warm up to this one and when they did, it seemed quite an even split, an achievement for Doros as the newcomer to have already gained a following when facing one of the usual fan favourites. For me the match was a bit slow and more of a show of "look what I can do....well I can do it better" with much of the match basically them reversing wristlocks and headlocks or taking turns on armdrags, before going down on a double cross body and following up with a slugfest. By the time they started doing something different, I was already bored. A few German suplexes from Rawlins was followed by his flying headbutt, only Doros had moved out of the way and grabbed his opportunity, ending the match by rolling up Rawlins to take the three count. Rawlins and Doros then shook hands, Rawlins gave Doros his hoodie and Doros gave Rawlins his t-shirt. While I wasn't overly impressed with the match, I do think that Doros shows amazing potential and is definitely one to watch.
The second half started with tag team action as Sweet Johnny teamed up with Jackie Grady to face Sambroso and Davidian Fury, both strange combinations in my opinion. After some amusing showboating from Sambroso, Fury did his usual, using his size as an advantage to dominate both Grady and Johnny, but it inevitably became a disadvantage when Sweet Johnny sent him barrelling into the ringpost knocking Sambroso Maestro and "crotching" him on the turnbuckle before Sweet Johnny rolled Fury up for the pinfall. Sweet Johnny and Jackie Grady were then joined in the ring by Westy for a display of their "awesome dance moves"!
The penultimate match of the day saw Rob Mills face Venym. The self proclaimed "Heart and Soul of Sunday Slam" was not happy about Venym being popular with the crowd, believing they should be in awe of him instead. I was quite surprised at the level of ruthlessness shown by Mills as he focused his attention on the arm of his opponent, including using the ropes and ringpost to his advantage. It appeared that each time Venym looked to be gaining some momentum, Mills managed to wriggle his way free and continued his assault on the left arm of Venym. It looked like Mills might take the victory as he called for his finisher but Venym was able to reverse into the "Poison Rain" and take the three count. This was a very close runner-up for my Match of the Day....
... but was narrowly beaten for the accolade by the main event match between Mikey and Massimo Italiano. Mikey has been working on his physique in the last few months and it really shows. Matching up fairly evenly in both height and build, neither man appeared to have an advantage over the other - until the crowd got involved, clearly behind Mikey. This was a lovely match, with Italiano generating extra heat by deliberately antagonising Janet during periods when he had the momentum on his side. After several near falls, the Italian looked to be in complete control with Mikey struggling to get back to his feet but Mikey never gives up and managed to score the victory with a crucifix pin. The crowd were elated and Italiano was shocked. A cracking end to the show!
Due to the lateness of this blog, Taking Over has already taken place (6 June) and my blog will be posted soon. The next event is Proving Grounds on 4 July and the card is shaping up to look like one of the best with the return of Chris Renfrew and the RI debuts of Lionheart, Kenny Williams and Davey Blaze with Charles Boddington. This really is one not to be missed and tickets are available online - click here
Check out Reckless Intent on Facebook to keep up to date with all future events and ticketing information.
The show started with Sunday Slam Champion, Craig "The Firestorm" Valant calling General Manager Jason McKinlay out to the ring to make an announcement. Valant stated that since winning the Sunday Slam title he felt he had become lazy, not attending training sessions or shows and that he did not deserve to hold the belt. He promised that he would take it back in the future as a fighting wrestler but for now he was relinquishing the belt and with that the Sunday Slam Title was vacated.
The SOS entrance music played and Scott "The Butcher" Renwick came out and stated that he had been promised a match with Valant, that he did not get that match and therefore he wanted a match there and then. Valant accepted the challenge and the match was on. This was a decent match but there was surprising very little crowd participation. Valant hit a cracking elbow drop before going for "The Firestorm", which Renwick tried to reverse into "The Angels Wings" but it was Valant who was the victor by successfully managing to re-reverse the move and score the pinfall.
Mikey then came out to the ring to make a face to face challenge to Renwick. As their match at No Going Back in March had to be cancelled due to Mikey's knee surgery being brought forward, Mikey had been looking to face Renwick since his return to the ring and had received no response to his video requests so face to face he made his challenge - Mikey v Renwick at Taking Over on 6 June, one-on-one with no Darren Lewis or Graeme Leask. Challenge accepted!!
Next up was Hardcore Champion, The Westler to face Saint-George but the mouthy Englishman did not appear. Instead Wee Jimmy got into the ring to challenge for the Hardcore belt. Just then Jam O'Malley's music played! O'Malley announced that his "wife" Saint-George could not attend due to lady problems then told Jimmy to step aside as O'Malley wanted to regain the Hardcore title and challenged Westy to a match for the belt. This was a fun match that could not be contained in the unit, spilling into the car park where Westy was force-fed Jaffa Cakes. Once back in the unit, Westy took the pinfall to retain the Hardcore belt but while he was celebrating, Rob Mills took the opportunity for a sneak attack and pinned Westy to win the title (and I actually saw it this time!) Once again Mills reign was short-lived as Sully took his revenge and the belt. Westy quickly rolled up Sully to retake the belt. O'Malley hugged Westy in congratulations but quickly made his move and pinned Westy to become Hardcore Champion, taking the microphone and telling Westy "don't trust anyone" before leaving with the belt.
The first half main event saw Rawlins face Theo Doros. The crowd took some time to warm up to this one and when they did, it seemed quite an even split, an achievement for Doros as the newcomer to have already gained a following when facing one of the usual fan favourites. For me the match was a bit slow and more of a show of "look what I can do....well I can do it better" with much of the match basically them reversing wristlocks and headlocks or taking turns on armdrags, before going down on a double cross body and following up with a slugfest. By the time they started doing something different, I was already bored. A few German suplexes from Rawlins was followed by his flying headbutt, only Doros had moved out of the way and grabbed his opportunity, ending the match by rolling up Rawlins to take the three count. Rawlins and Doros then shook hands, Rawlins gave Doros his hoodie and Doros gave Rawlins his t-shirt. While I wasn't overly impressed with the match, I do think that Doros shows amazing potential and is definitely one to watch.
The second half started with tag team action as Sweet Johnny teamed up with Jackie Grady to face Sambroso and Davidian Fury, both strange combinations in my opinion. After some amusing showboating from Sambroso, Fury did his usual, using his size as an advantage to dominate both Grady and Johnny, but it inevitably became a disadvantage when Sweet Johnny sent him barrelling into the ringpost knocking Sambroso Maestro and "crotching" him on the turnbuckle before Sweet Johnny rolled Fury up for the pinfall. Sweet Johnny and Jackie Grady were then joined in the ring by Westy for a display of their "awesome dance moves"!
The penultimate match of the day saw Rob Mills face Venym. The self proclaimed "Heart and Soul of Sunday Slam" was not happy about Venym being popular with the crowd, believing they should be in awe of him instead. I was quite surprised at the level of ruthlessness shown by Mills as he focused his attention on the arm of his opponent, including using the ropes and ringpost to his advantage. It appeared that each time Venym looked to be gaining some momentum, Mills managed to wriggle his way free and continued his assault on the left arm of Venym. It looked like Mills might take the victory as he called for his finisher but Venym was able to reverse into the "Poison Rain" and take the three count. This was a very close runner-up for my Match of the Day....
... but was narrowly beaten for the accolade by the main event match between Mikey and Massimo Italiano. Mikey has been working on his physique in the last few months and it really shows. Matching up fairly evenly in both height and build, neither man appeared to have an advantage over the other - until the crowd got involved, clearly behind Mikey. This was a lovely match, with Italiano generating extra heat by deliberately antagonising Janet during periods when he had the momentum on his side. After several near falls, the Italian looked to be in complete control with Mikey struggling to get back to his feet but Mikey never gives up and managed to score the victory with a crucifix pin. The crowd were elated and Italiano was shocked. A cracking end to the show!
Due to the lateness of this blog, Taking Over has already taken place (6 June) and my blog will be posted soon. The next event is Proving Grounds on 4 July and the card is shaping up to look like one of the best with the return of Chris Renfrew and the RI debuts of Lionheart, Kenny Williams and Davey Blaze with Charles Boddington. This really is one not to be missed and tickets are available online - click here
Check out Reckless Intent on Facebook to keep up to date with all future events and ticketing information.
Friday, 12 June 2015
Review: SWE European Tournament - 2 Nights
The SWE European Tournament is a bi-annual tournament and we saw Rob Cage win the final of the first one back at Hell For Lycra X, which was our first SWE show. For this tournament we decided to take in both shows, staying in Dundee overnight.
Because this was a two night event (and partly because I am so far behind with my blogs) I am going to write this event as a single blog and not focus too much on each match individually (yeah I know it's a cop out but I need to get up to date!!) It will also be without photographs as the strange lighting which kept changing in Menzieshill made it difficult to get great photos, although there will be a selection uploaded to the Loudmouth Facebook page soon.
It was a small crowd at Menzieshill Community Centre for the first night of the tournament and no matter how I tried, it was difficult to get them to join in with the chants/cheers/jeers but that didn't stop me being the Loudmouth the entire night.
Tournament - Massimo Italiano (Italy) v El Kid Lux (Netherlands)
A nice match to open the tournament. Italiano is becoming a bit of a fan favourite with the SWE crowd and Lux played the heel to perfection. Italiano took the victory to progress to the semi-final on Saturday.
Tournament - Saint-George (England) v Sambroso Maestro (Spain?? erm think he's Mexican mate)
This match never actually happened. Bravehart and Jam O'Malley came out to the ring with Saint-George. Doctor Grue announced Sambroso Maestro but he failed to appear. Bravehart then announced that he and Jam had made sure that Saint-George would get a bye into the semi-finals. He then demanded that Sambroso be given a 10 count and if he didn't appear, he would forfeit the match. As Saint-George was awarded the bye, Chaz Phoenix appeared and told Saint-George that he wasn't getting off that easily and that he would have a one on one match there and then against Mikey.
Saint-George v Mikey
What a match!! Mikey came out all guns blazing and Saint-George had to resort to underhanded tactics to get the upper hand. Mikey soon came back at him, nailing Saint-George with several cracking moves but unfortunately Saint-George was declared the winner when he manoeuvred the referee into the path of Mikey, causing him to nail the referee instead and Mikey was disqualified as a result.
JD Wilde v Kenny Kyd
This was the match I had hoped to see - the decider between the two trainees who had been on the last two uprising pre-shows. I was not disappointed. Another cracking match between these two lads and definitely deserving of a main card slot. Kenny Kyd took the victory and now I look forward to seeing them both facing other opponents in the future.
Tournament - Theo Doros (Cyprus) v Damian O'Connor (Ireland)
Newcomer Doros came out to the ring singing what I believe was the National Anthem of Cyprus. He gave it a good try but he was facing Big Damo!! Doros discovered how it feels to have "The Beast of Belfast" stand on his chest and drop a senton. Damo took a convincing victory to move into Saturday's semi-finals.
MDK v Conor Frost & Darren Blair
The second half started with a 2 on 1 handicap match. MDK was accompanied to the ring by Chaz Phoenix. This didn't appear to be much of a handicap match as MDK made short work of both of Bravehart's minions, dispatching Blair and slamming Conor Frost before pinning him for the three count. Phoenix then got the microphone and declared war on Bravehart, delivering a devastating piledriver on Blair and stating he would destroy his minions until he got his hands on the co-owner.
Tournament - Euan G Mackie (Castle Mackula) v Scott Renwick (Scotland)
The final tournament qualifier of the night was in my opinion the best of them too. Mackie and Renwick delivered a top notch match which either man deserved to win and was my Match of the Night. There was something for everyone in this match - technical and high flying moves, a bit of brutality and some humour. Bravehart was ecstatic when Renwick took the victory to move into the semi-finals, however while Renwick is associated with Bravehart's minions, there are cracks forming..
Jay the Jackal & Jackie Grady v The ComixZone
A rather strange tag team match where The Jackal and his "Associate" came out to the ring but both appeared rather confused when Grady appeared and announced that he would be The Jackal's tag partner for the match. Rawlins and Venym appeared in The Flash and Spiderman gear as part of their ComixZone gimmick (which I still don't get). Grady ended up on the floor outside the ring and "The Associate" took over as tag partner for "The Jackal". The Jackal scored the pinfall on Venym before leaving the ring with "The Associate". The ComixZone then took out their frustrations on Grady before making their way backstage.
LJT v Ian Ambrose
The final match of the night and one I felt a strange atmosphere in. The match itself had everything required to blow the roof off the place - two cracking competitors, both with a firm fanbase but it was somewhat subdued. Ambrose was not his usual cocky self, posing for photos as usual. The match was good - Ambrose appeared to be leaving with his belts (his homemade belt and Joe Hendry's SWE belt that he had stolen after the last uprising) but LJT went after him and they took in the entire hall, bouncing each other off walls and using dustbins as weapons.. but still something was missing. LJT received a cut to the forehead during the match but it did not appear to slow him down. Ambrose attempted to use the belt as a weapon but the ref intervened and ended up down himself. Ambrose then took the opportunity to nail LJT with the belt after all and eventually scored the pinfall.
Night Two saw a much larger and very much more vocal crowd...which was just as well as my voice was not at its best after working so hard the night before!
Tournament - Massimo Italiano (Italy) v Saint-George (England)
Massimo Italiano endeared himself to the crowd by appearing to wipe his butt with Saint-George's top but unfortunately he was unable to give them what they truly wanted. A belter of a match ended with Saint-George victorious after managing to hit Italiano with his second attempt at the Saint George Cross. Saint-George has booked his place in the final at Hell For Lycra in the Caird Hall on 29 August.
Bravehart Invitational Battle Royal
Bravehart came out to announce that the winner of the Battle Royal would automatically get a spot on Hell For Lycra at the Caird Hall. The competitors were Jam O'Malley, The ComixZone (Rawlins and Venym) JD Wilde, Jackie Grady, Scotty Riccio, Theo Doros, Conor Frost and The Jackal's "Associate". O'Malley and Frost appeared to work together throughout and Bravehart made his presence at ringside felt, however their plan was thwarted and Scotty Riccio was the last man standing.
Joe Hendry v Mikey
These two guys always put on one hell of a show and this was no exception. Hendry was without his SWE Heavyweight Title belt, which Ambrose had stolen. From the outset the crowd were chanting for Mikey, who has become a big fan favourite with the SWE crowd. Unfortunately, despite pulling out all the stops, it was Hendry who would be the victor this time. A close contender for my Match of the Night, it was only just beaten by the next match.....
Tournament - Damian O'Connor (Ireland) v Scott Renwick (Scotland)
There is nothing like watching two guys who have worked together as a tag team going at it against each other. These guys know each other so well, it was going to take something special for one to get over on the other. I have seen Big Damo stand on the chest of several wrestlers over the years, but this was the first time I saw him stand on a wrestlers back and then follow it with standing on his chest and the senton! Surely it was over and Damo was the winner.....but no....Renwick not only withstood this but he was the one to score the three count and would now face Saint-George at the Caird Hall in August. In a show of good sportsmanship, Damo and Renwick shook hands after the match. Saint-George came out and got into Renwick's face and Bravehart and his minions came out to try to smooth the waters between their "comrades". Bravehart encouraged them to shake hands and as it appeared they would, Bravehart and the minions left the ring, just as Renwick pulled Saint-George in and hit him with the Angels Wings. The crowd went mad as Saint-George landed on his face. Scotty appears to have seen the light and will have the crowd firmly behind him in August as Scotland faces England at the Caird Hall. Definitely my Match of the Night!!
Bobby Roberts v El Kid Lux
A nice match to kick off the second half of the show. Despite the crowd being on the side of Roberts, the Dutchman put on a better performance on the night and took a well deserved win.
Chaz Phoenix & MDK v Darren Blair and Steven "Air" Myles
The three original Trident members in a match but with one aligned with Phoenix against the other two showed how things change. There was a lovely spot with Myles walking the top rope before doing a backflip onto the others outside the ring. I was a bit worried he was going to overshoot with the height he gained on it but boy it looked impressive! MDK and Phoenix took the victory then Phoenix challenged Bravehart to a match at Hell For Lycra - a 5 on 5 tag team elimination match with Bravehart personally taking part with 4 of his cronies with whoever wins getting 100% control of SWE. Bravehart avoided accepting the challenge by saying he would give his answer at Uprising on 27 June at the Ardler Complex.
Jay the Jackal & Ian Ambrose v LJT & Euan G Mackie
The final match of the two day tournament saw The Jackal and Ambrose team up against LJT and Mackie, who have worked really well together in the last couple of shows. The Jackal and Ambrose did not work so well and at one point Ambrose made to leave, saying he didn't need this. "The Associate" who was ringside tried to stop him only for LJT to dive through the ropes. Ambrose got the upper hand just as The Jackal joined them, furious at Ambrose for leaving him in the lurch. Euan Mackie took the opportunity to leap from the top turnbuckle and knock them down like skittles. The win went to LJT and Mackie after LJT pinned Ambrose for the three count, however it appeared he had taken a bit of a bump to the head and required some assistance getting up and out of the ring afterward.
All in all, this was a good wee tournament, although I wish the Friday crowd would have been a bit more vocal!
SWE have upcoming shows in Blairgowrie on Saturday 13 June and Dundee on Saturday 27 June. For information on these and future events, including how to buy tickets, check out SWE on Facebook
Because this was a two night event (and partly because I am so far behind with my blogs) I am going to write this event as a single blog and not focus too much on each match individually (yeah I know it's a cop out but I need to get up to date!!) It will also be without photographs as the strange lighting which kept changing in Menzieshill made it difficult to get great photos, although there will be a selection uploaded to the Loudmouth Facebook page soon.
It was a small crowd at Menzieshill Community Centre for the first night of the tournament and no matter how I tried, it was difficult to get them to join in with the chants/cheers/jeers but that didn't stop me being the Loudmouth the entire night.
Tournament - Massimo Italiano (Italy) v El Kid Lux (Netherlands)
A nice match to open the tournament. Italiano is becoming a bit of a fan favourite with the SWE crowd and Lux played the heel to perfection. Italiano took the victory to progress to the semi-final on Saturday.
Tournament - Saint-George (England) v Sambroso Maestro (Spain?? erm think he's Mexican mate)
This match never actually happened. Bravehart and Jam O'Malley came out to the ring with Saint-George. Doctor Grue announced Sambroso Maestro but he failed to appear. Bravehart then announced that he and Jam had made sure that Saint-George would get a bye into the semi-finals. He then demanded that Sambroso be given a 10 count and if he didn't appear, he would forfeit the match. As Saint-George was awarded the bye, Chaz Phoenix appeared and told Saint-George that he wasn't getting off that easily and that he would have a one on one match there and then against Mikey.
Saint-George v Mikey
What a match!! Mikey came out all guns blazing and Saint-George had to resort to underhanded tactics to get the upper hand. Mikey soon came back at him, nailing Saint-George with several cracking moves but unfortunately Saint-George was declared the winner when he manoeuvred the referee into the path of Mikey, causing him to nail the referee instead and Mikey was disqualified as a result.
JD Wilde v Kenny Kyd
This was the match I had hoped to see - the decider between the two trainees who had been on the last two uprising pre-shows. I was not disappointed. Another cracking match between these two lads and definitely deserving of a main card slot. Kenny Kyd took the victory and now I look forward to seeing them both facing other opponents in the future.
Tournament - Theo Doros (Cyprus) v Damian O'Connor (Ireland)
Newcomer Doros came out to the ring singing what I believe was the National Anthem of Cyprus. He gave it a good try but he was facing Big Damo!! Doros discovered how it feels to have "The Beast of Belfast" stand on his chest and drop a senton. Damo took a convincing victory to move into Saturday's semi-finals.
MDK v Conor Frost & Darren Blair
The second half started with a 2 on 1 handicap match. MDK was accompanied to the ring by Chaz Phoenix. This didn't appear to be much of a handicap match as MDK made short work of both of Bravehart's minions, dispatching Blair and slamming Conor Frost before pinning him for the three count. Phoenix then got the microphone and declared war on Bravehart, delivering a devastating piledriver on Blair and stating he would destroy his minions until he got his hands on the co-owner.
Tournament - Euan G Mackie (Castle Mackula) v Scott Renwick (Scotland)
The final tournament qualifier of the night was in my opinion the best of them too. Mackie and Renwick delivered a top notch match which either man deserved to win and was my Match of the Night. There was something for everyone in this match - technical and high flying moves, a bit of brutality and some humour. Bravehart was ecstatic when Renwick took the victory to move into the semi-finals, however while Renwick is associated with Bravehart's minions, there are cracks forming..
Jay the Jackal & Jackie Grady v The ComixZone
A rather strange tag team match where The Jackal and his "Associate" came out to the ring but both appeared rather confused when Grady appeared and announced that he would be The Jackal's tag partner for the match. Rawlins and Venym appeared in The Flash and Spiderman gear as part of their ComixZone gimmick (which I still don't get). Grady ended up on the floor outside the ring and "The Associate" took over as tag partner for "The Jackal". The Jackal scored the pinfall on Venym before leaving the ring with "The Associate". The ComixZone then took out their frustrations on Grady before making their way backstage.
LJT v Ian Ambrose
The final match of the night and one I felt a strange atmosphere in. The match itself had everything required to blow the roof off the place - two cracking competitors, both with a firm fanbase but it was somewhat subdued. Ambrose was not his usual cocky self, posing for photos as usual. The match was good - Ambrose appeared to be leaving with his belts (his homemade belt and Joe Hendry's SWE belt that he had stolen after the last uprising) but LJT went after him and they took in the entire hall, bouncing each other off walls and using dustbins as weapons.. but still something was missing. LJT received a cut to the forehead during the match but it did not appear to slow him down. Ambrose attempted to use the belt as a weapon but the ref intervened and ended up down himself. Ambrose then took the opportunity to nail LJT with the belt after all and eventually scored the pinfall.
Night Two saw a much larger and very much more vocal crowd...which was just as well as my voice was not at its best after working so hard the night before!
Tournament - Massimo Italiano (Italy) v Saint-George (England)
Massimo Italiano endeared himself to the crowd by appearing to wipe his butt with Saint-George's top but unfortunately he was unable to give them what they truly wanted. A belter of a match ended with Saint-George victorious after managing to hit Italiano with his second attempt at the Saint George Cross. Saint-George has booked his place in the final at Hell For Lycra in the Caird Hall on 29 August.
Bravehart Invitational Battle Royal
Bravehart came out to announce that the winner of the Battle Royal would automatically get a spot on Hell For Lycra at the Caird Hall. The competitors were Jam O'Malley, The ComixZone (Rawlins and Venym) JD Wilde, Jackie Grady, Scotty Riccio, Theo Doros, Conor Frost and The Jackal's "Associate". O'Malley and Frost appeared to work together throughout and Bravehart made his presence at ringside felt, however their plan was thwarted and Scotty Riccio was the last man standing.
Joe Hendry v Mikey
These two guys always put on one hell of a show and this was no exception. Hendry was without his SWE Heavyweight Title belt, which Ambrose had stolen. From the outset the crowd were chanting for Mikey, who has become a big fan favourite with the SWE crowd. Unfortunately, despite pulling out all the stops, it was Hendry who would be the victor this time. A close contender for my Match of the Night, it was only just beaten by the next match.....
Tournament - Damian O'Connor (Ireland) v Scott Renwick (Scotland)
There is nothing like watching two guys who have worked together as a tag team going at it against each other. These guys know each other so well, it was going to take something special for one to get over on the other. I have seen Big Damo stand on the chest of several wrestlers over the years, but this was the first time I saw him stand on a wrestlers back and then follow it with standing on his chest and the senton! Surely it was over and Damo was the winner.....but no....Renwick not only withstood this but he was the one to score the three count and would now face Saint-George at the Caird Hall in August. In a show of good sportsmanship, Damo and Renwick shook hands after the match. Saint-George came out and got into Renwick's face and Bravehart and his minions came out to try to smooth the waters between their "comrades". Bravehart encouraged them to shake hands and as it appeared they would, Bravehart and the minions left the ring, just as Renwick pulled Saint-George in and hit him with the Angels Wings. The crowd went mad as Saint-George landed on his face. Scotty appears to have seen the light and will have the crowd firmly behind him in August as Scotland faces England at the Caird Hall. Definitely my Match of the Night!!
Bobby Roberts v El Kid Lux
A nice match to kick off the second half of the show. Despite the crowd being on the side of Roberts, the Dutchman put on a better performance on the night and took a well deserved win.
Chaz Phoenix & MDK v Darren Blair and Steven "Air" Myles
The three original Trident members in a match but with one aligned with Phoenix against the other two showed how things change. There was a lovely spot with Myles walking the top rope before doing a backflip onto the others outside the ring. I was a bit worried he was going to overshoot with the height he gained on it but boy it looked impressive! MDK and Phoenix took the victory then Phoenix challenged Bravehart to a match at Hell For Lycra - a 5 on 5 tag team elimination match with Bravehart personally taking part with 4 of his cronies with whoever wins getting 100% control of SWE. Bravehart avoided accepting the challenge by saying he would give his answer at Uprising on 27 June at the Ardler Complex.
Jay the Jackal & Ian Ambrose v LJT & Euan G Mackie
The final match of the two day tournament saw The Jackal and Ambrose team up against LJT and Mackie, who have worked really well together in the last couple of shows. The Jackal and Ambrose did not work so well and at one point Ambrose made to leave, saying he didn't need this. "The Associate" who was ringside tried to stop him only for LJT to dive through the ropes. Ambrose got the upper hand just as The Jackal joined them, furious at Ambrose for leaving him in the lurch. Euan Mackie took the opportunity to leap from the top turnbuckle and knock them down like skittles. The win went to LJT and Mackie after LJT pinned Ambrose for the three count, however it appeared he had taken a bit of a bump to the head and required some assistance getting up and out of the ring afterward.
All in all, this was a good wee tournament, although I wish the Friday crowd would have been a bit more vocal!
SWE have upcoming shows in Blairgowrie on Saturday 13 June and Dundee on Saturday 27 June. For information on these and future events, including how to buy tickets, check out SWE on Facebook
Damian O'Connor,
El Kid Lux,
Euan Mackie,
Ian Ambrose,
Jay the Jackal,
JD Wilde,
Joe Hendry,
Kenny Kyd,
Massimo Italiano,
Scott Renwick,
Theo Doros,
Thursday, 11 June 2015
Review: PWE - The Road To Revolution
Saturday 9 May 2015
It had been a while since we had been to Ayr and we were looking forward to this show. While there was platinum packages available, we decided to go with the silver option as we had already met the big stars at previous events and silver still got us early entry for the bonus pre-show match. We even took a couple of friends, Janet and Fiona, along with us!
Said pre-show match was a corker with Saqib Ali facing off against "The Best Young Wrestler in the World" Lewis Girvan. I've seen both these guys wrestle a few times now and when your pre-show is of this calibre, you know the main show is going to be stunning. A very nice match where both guys were able to showcase their talent despite the shortness of the match. Really enjoyed this one and it was nice for Janet to be able to cheer for Girvan this time as he took the victory!
The main show began with the appearance of TJ Rage & Davey Blaze to take on Tag Team Champion Lou King Sharp, who had released a video in the run up to the show announcing that his partner for this match would be PWE owner Lionheart and had cheekily named the team Lion King! As Blaze and Rage waited in the ring, Sharp announced the arrival of Lionheart who failed to appear. Sharp was invited to get into the ring, lie down and make it easy on himself and eventually Lionheart reluctantly made his appearance. Rage and Blaze concentrated on isolating Sharp and the wee guy took some amount of punishment before Lionheart was let loose. After dropping Rage, he delivered a cracking frog splash on Blaze and Lion King took the victory by pinfall. After the match, Rage and Blaze asked Sharp to come into the ring and shake their hands and agree to a rematch. Despite Lionheart telling him not to, Sharp accepted, only to be told that he had just agreed to a 3 on 1 handicap match at the anniversary show in August.
Next up was the clash of the heavyweights as Iestyn Rees faced Chris Masters. To be absolutely honest, I was a bit disappointed with this match and actually said I wished they had given Saqib Ali and Lewis Girvan this slot instead! Masters really appeared to be just going through the motions and looked like he didn't actually want to be there which was a let down as I have seen this guy before and he really can put on a good show when he wants to. Rees took the victory and quickly started antagonising the crowd. A video then was played and it was announced that Rees would be facing Drew Galloway at the Anniversary show on 8 August.
Next up was a Fatal Fourway match with Joey Hayes v Martin Kirby v Kenny Williams v El Ligero. This match was fast and furious with all four pulling off some lovely moves. A couple of highlights were when Kenny Williams got some amazing height from the top turnbuckle when going for a dropkick on Hayes who was halfway across the ring and when Hayes managed to catch El Ligero with a boot when he sprang from the ropes, before dropping both Williams and Ligero on their faces at the same time. Despite the crowd being behind El Ligero and Williams, it was Martin Kirby who was victorious as he quickly rolled up Hayes after that stunning move to take the pinfall.
Just before the next match, another video was played announcing the appearance of Tommy End at the 4th Anniversary show on 8 August.
The first half main event saw The Coffey Brothers v The Addiction (Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian) for the Ring of Honor Tag Team Titles. This match can be described in one word - WOW!!!! This was by far my Match of the Night. Between the action in the ring and the banter between Janet and I with Christopher Daniels, it was brilliant. I think my favourite moment of the match is captured in the picture - both Coffey Brothers had been knocked from the ring and Daniels bounced off the top rope before doing a backflip onto them at ringside right in front of me - totally amazing. This incredible match came to an end when Mark Coffey inadvertently hit his brother before being hit by the "Celebrity Rehab" finisher and Kaz scored the 3 count. The Addiction celebrated their win as Joe Coffey looked on from ringside, before getting back into the ring to confront his brother.
During the interval, The Addiction returned to the ring for fans to have their photo taken with them and despite the verbal abuse during the match, Janet and I took advantage of the opportunity.
First match of the second half saw "Bad Boy" Liam Thomson face off against Noam Dar. After my normal antagonising of Thomson which received Dar's approval and him giving me a walking stick (which security quickly took from me) the match got underway. As usual, Thomson used every underhanded tactic he could against his young opponent. Grado appeared at ringside to cheer on his pal but actually caused a distraction and Thomson attempted the roll-up. He was unsuccessful this time but Grado would prove to be the catalyst for the match ending the way it did. Dar went for the dropkick but Thomson pulled the referee in front of him and it was the ref who went down. Thomson then attempted to use a steel chair on Dar but Grado grabbed the chair from behind to stop him. Grado then went to hit Thomson with the "wee boot", only for Thomson to drop out of the way and Grado dropped his friend instead. Thomson took advantage, scored the pinfall and as Grado chased after an angry Dar, attempting to apologise, Thomson took the microphone and announced that he had just beaten the number one contender for the heavyweight title and demanded to know where that left him and that he would not leave the ring until he got an answer. Lionheart came out to give him his answer - a video was played showing that he would be facing Austin Aries at the show on 8 August. (Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances, it was later announced that Aries would no longer be able to make this show and that Samoa Joe would be appearing instead, and will face Damian O'Connor)
The penultimate match was Kid Fite v Big Damian O'Connor. I love Big Damo - how a guy that size can be so agile and pull off some of those moves is just incredible to watch and against a guy like Kid Fite, this match was guaranteed to have everyone going and it did. I was so into this match, I even forgot to take any photographs for half of it. Fite gave it everything but it didn't save him from being dropkicked into the corner before being Damo's doormat as the big guy stood on him then dropped the senton. At this point, TJ Rage and Davey Blaze appeared and attacked Damo. The referee called for the bell, announcing Damo as the winner by disqualification. With Kid Fite back on his feet, it was 3 on 1, until Wolfgang appeared to make the save.
The main event saw Grado put the PWE Heavyweight title on the line against he first ever winner of said title, Andy Wild. This was a good match but had a slightly strange atmosphere....Grado did not seem to have his usual cheer squad. In fact at one point when he tried to get the crowd going, he was met with silence. He did manage to parade around the ringside area holding Wild and inviting the kids to "give him a chop". Wild on the other hand had the crowd chanting for him throughout. Wild was robbed of the chance to regain the belt when Noam Dar made an appearance and nailed Wild with the title belt. The ref called for the bell and Wild was declared the winner of the match by disqualification...but the title can only change hands by pinfall or submission, leaving Grado still Champion. Grado and Dar appeared to have a confrontation in the ring, however it was shortlived and the two ended up dancing in celebration.
The 4th anniversary show on 8 August is shaping up to be another cracker. Platinum and silver packages are already sold out but general admission tickets go on sale on Friday 26 June. Tickets can be purchased from their website
To keep up to date with match announcements for this show and find out about future shows, check out PWE on Facebook
It had been a while since we had been to Ayr and we were looking forward to this show. While there was platinum packages available, we decided to go with the silver option as we had already met the big stars at previous events and silver still got us early entry for the bonus pre-show match. We even took a couple of friends, Janet and Fiona, along with us!
Said pre-show match was a corker with Saqib Ali facing off against "The Best Young Wrestler in the World" Lewis Girvan. I've seen both these guys wrestle a few times now and when your pre-show is of this calibre, you know the main show is going to be stunning. A very nice match where both guys were able to showcase their talent despite the shortness of the match. Really enjoyed this one and it was nice for Janet to be able to cheer for Girvan this time as he took the victory!
The main show began with the appearance of TJ Rage & Davey Blaze to take on Tag Team Champion Lou King Sharp, who had released a video in the run up to the show announcing that his partner for this match would be PWE owner Lionheart and had cheekily named the team Lion King! As Blaze and Rage waited in the ring, Sharp announced the arrival of Lionheart who failed to appear. Sharp was invited to get into the ring, lie down and make it easy on himself and eventually Lionheart reluctantly made his appearance. Rage and Blaze concentrated on isolating Sharp and the wee guy took some amount of punishment before Lionheart was let loose. After dropping Rage, he delivered a cracking frog splash on Blaze and Lion King took the victory by pinfall. After the match, Rage and Blaze asked Sharp to come into the ring and shake their hands and agree to a rematch. Despite Lionheart telling him not to, Sharp accepted, only to be told that he had just agreed to a 3 on 1 handicap match at the anniversary show in August.
Next up was the clash of the heavyweights as Iestyn Rees faced Chris Masters. To be absolutely honest, I was a bit disappointed with this match and actually said I wished they had given Saqib Ali and Lewis Girvan this slot instead! Masters really appeared to be just going through the motions and looked like he didn't actually want to be there which was a let down as I have seen this guy before and he really can put on a good show when he wants to. Rees took the victory and quickly started antagonising the crowd. A video then was played and it was announced that Rees would be facing Drew Galloway at the Anniversary show on 8 August.
Next up was a Fatal Fourway match with Joey Hayes v Martin Kirby v Kenny Williams v El Ligero. This match was fast and furious with all four pulling off some lovely moves. A couple of highlights were when Kenny Williams got some amazing height from the top turnbuckle when going for a dropkick on Hayes who was halfway across the ring and when Hayes managed to catch El Ligero with a boot when he sprang from the ropes, before dropping both Williams and Ligero on their faces at the same time. Despite the crowd being behind El Ligero and Williams, it was Martin Kirby who was victorious as he quickly rolled up Hayes after that stunning move to take the pinfall.
Just before the next match, another video was played announcing the appearance of Tommy End at the 4th Anniversary show on 8 August.
The first half main event saw The Coffey Brothers v The Addiction (Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian) for the Ring of Honor Tag Team Titles. This match can be described in one word - WOW!!!! This was by far my Match of the Night. Between the action in the ring and the banter between Janet and I with Christopher Daniels, it was brilliant. I think my favourite moment of the match is captured in the picture - both Coffey Brothers had been knocked from the ring and Daniels bounced off the top rope before doing a backflip onto them at ringside right in front of me - totally amazing. This incredible match came to an end when Mark Coffey inadvertently hit his brother before being hit by the "Celebrity Rehab" finisher and Kaz scored the 3 count. The Addiction celebrated their win as Joe Coffey looked on from ringside, before getting back into the ring to confront his brother.
During the interval, The Addiction returned to the ring for fans to have their photo taken with them and despite the verbal abuse during the match, Janet and I took advantage of the opportunity.
First match of the second half saw "Bad Boy" Liam Thomson face off against Noam Dar. After my normal antagonising of Thomson which received Dar's approval and him giving me a walking stick (which security quickly took from me) the match got underway. As usual, Thomson used every underhanded tactic he could against his young opponent. Grado appeared at ringside to cheer on his pal but actually caused a distraction and Thomson attempted the roll-up. He was unsuccessful this time but Grado would prove to be the catalyst for the match ending the way it did. Dar went for the dropkick but Thomson pulled the referee in front of him and it was the ref who went down. Thomson then attempted to use a steel chair on Dar but Grado grabbed the chair from behind to stop him. Grado then went to hit Thomson with the "wee boot", only for Thomson to drop out of the way and Grado dropped his friend instead. Thomson took advantage, scored the pinfall and as Grado chased after an angry Dar, attempting to apologise, Thomson took the microphone and announced that he had just beaten the number one contender for the heavyweight title and demanded to know where that left him and that he would not leave the ring until he got an answer. Lionheart came out to give him his answer - a video was played showing that he would be facing Austin Aries at the show on 8 August. (Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances, it was later announced that Aries would no longer be able to make this show and that Samoa Joe would be appearing instead, and will face Damian O'Connor)
The penultimate match was Kid Fite v Big Damian O'Connor. I love Big Damo - how a guy that size can be so agile and pull off some of those moves is just incredible to watch and against a guy like Kid Fite, this match was guaranteed to have everyone going and it did. I was so into this match, I even forgot to take any photographs for half of it. Fite gave it everything but it didn't save him from being dropkicked into the corner before being Damo's doormat as the big guy stood on him then dropped the senton. At this point, TJ Rage and Davey Blaze appeared and attacked Damo. The referee called for the bell, announcing Damo as the winner by disqualification. With Kid Fite back on his feet, it was 3 on 1, until Wolfgang appeared to make the save.
The main event saw Grado put the PWE Heavyweight title on the line against he first ever winner of said title, Andy Wild. This was a good match but had a slightly strange atmosphere....Grado did not seem to have his usual cheer squad. In fact at one point when he tried to get the crowd going, he was met with silence. He did manage to parade around the ringside area holding Wild and inviting the kids to "give him a chop". Wild on the other hand had the crowd chanting for him throughout. Wild was robbed of the chance to regain the belt when Noam Dar made an appearance and nailed Wild with the title belt. The ref called for the bell and Wild was declared the winner of the match by disqualification...but the title can only change hands by pinfall or submission, leaving Grado still Champion. Grado and Dar appeared to have a confrontation in the ring, however it was shortlived and the two ended up dancing in celebration.
The 4th anniversary show on 8 August is shaping up to be another cracker. Platinum and silver packages are already sold out but general admission tickets go on sale on Friday 26 June. Tickets can be purchased from their website
To keep up to date with match announcements for this show and find out about future shows, check out PWE on Facebook
Thursday, 4 June 2015
Review: Reckless Intent presents Super BOWL 2015
Saturday 2 May 2015
Same date, different day....same company, different venue! This event marked the one year anniversary of attending Reckless Intent shows....
The pre-show match was between Westy and Jam O'Malley for the Hardcore title, however due to our wee shop becoming ever more popular, I missed the entire match and the after-effects - which is something I will regret forever!!! Jam O'Malley won the match and the title, however Lou King Sharp then appeared and took the belt, only for Saint-George to nail him with the Saint George Cross to take the belt. Sully then hit him with his "Begorrah Kick" to win the title and then the moment I will regret missing... Rob Mills hit Sully with an enziguri (now known as the Sullybreaker) and pinned him for the belt. His reign was shortlived as Westy rolled him up to win back the title before he was chased from the building by Jam O'Malley and Wee Jimmy.
The main show started with the first Battle of West Lothian semi-final between LJT and Jackie Grady, who was accompanied to the ring by Westy. The crowd were firmly behind Grady at first but as the match progressed a few others joined me in chanting for LJT. A good opening match where LJT showed his agility and flair in the ring taking a well deserved victory in this bout.
Next up the second Battle of West Lothian semi-final pitting newcomer Theo Doros against Venym. With both guys fairly evenly matched, either could have taken the three count and both had several near falls during the match. Even the crowd chants appeared to be evenly split between them. Venym spun Doros around the ring while the crowd counted the spins, before slingshotting him into the turnbuckles but Doros came back at him. Finally Venym hit his "poison rain" finisher on Doros to take the pinfall. In a show of sportsmanship, there was hugs and handshakes after the bell.
Next out to the ring was Saint-George who got on the microphone and riled the crowd by referring to the upcoming election and how they should all vote for UKIP, before handing out flyers to the crowd (which were quickly returned to him in ball format). He then proceeded to call out Rawlins. As Rawlins stood outside the ring, Conor Frost attacked him from behind, knocking him to the ground before picking him up and ramming his back into the ringpost. Meanwhile Saint-George left the ring, found a steel chair and smacked Rawlins over the head with it. At this point GM Jason McKinlay came out and called for some help for Rawlins while Saint-George and Frost celebrated in the ring, revealing that Frost's actions toward Rawlins over the last few months have all been leading to this moment.
With Rawlins down and seemingly unable to compete against Saint-George, Lou King Sharp made his appearance and asked the crowd if, now that the Englishman had no opponent, would they like to see Lou King Sharp "kick seven shades of English out of Saint-George". With the crowd giving a resounding yes, the match was on - but part way through, Rawlins reappeared, determined to get his hands on Saint-George and the match became a triple threat match. It appeared that the deck was stacked against the Englishman, however Saint-George capitalised when Rawlins missed a flying headbutt from the top rope and scored a very unpopular victory.
The first half main event saw a change to the originally advertised title match between Joe Hendry and Darren Lewis. After Jason McKinlay announced that Lewis would be unable to compete due to illness, Saint-George came out and introduced Massimo Italiano to the Reckless Intent crowd before taking a seat at ringside. The Italian then addressed the crowd in his native language and while the crowd may not have understood the words, they certainly got the message....Italiano was not a nice guy! Hendry then came out and after making a dig at the Italian, the match was on.....and a great match it was. These two big guys put it all out there - Hendry pulled off one of those suplexes that seem to never end while Italiano tried everything, including a lowblow, to try to take the title but it was Hendry who took the three count. Immediately Saint-George got into the ring and issued a challenge to the Reckless Intent Champion to put the title on the line on 6th June, which Hendry accepted.
Just before the interval, Jason McKinlay came out to the ring to announce a couple of a wrestler, the other Reckless Intent's No 1 fan...and both called Jackie. Jackie Grady and Jackie Cowan were both called out to the ring, where Jackie Cowan was presented with a card signed by the entire roster!
First up after the interval was the Battle Royal featuring the BOWL tournament losers and a couple of wild cards, Rob Mills and Jam O'Malley. This also featured more Hardcore title action. Conor Frost pinned Westy for the Hardcore title before being pinned by Jam O'Malley. Saint-George hit O'Malley with the Saint George Cross but was unable to make the pin. Sully and then Rob Mills piled on top of O'Malley and Saint-George but neither was successful in getting a three count. Finally Westy jumped on top of the pile-up in the ring and scored the three count to retake the Hardcore title. Back to the Battle Royal, Saint-George and Conor Frost teamed up to clear everyone from the ring, before Frost eliminated himself and handing the win to Saint-George.
Jason McKinlay came out to the ring to address Taking Over on 6th June, in which both he and Bravehart would have a team compete for the right to run Reckless Intent. Saint-George made yet another appearance, getting himself a seat in the ring and making noise about how wonderful Bravehart is and how he would be helping Bravehart destroy McKinlay before demanding that McKinlay get on his knees and beg for mercy, at which point several roster members came out to back up the Reckless Intent General Manager and send Saint-George packing.
The penultimate match of the night saw Mikey take on the self proclaimed "Best Young Wrestler in the World" Lewis Girvan. An absolute belter of a match, this was by far my Match of the Night. Girvan took every opportunity to work the recently repaired knee of Mikey (and antagonising Janet) which only made the crowd cheer louder and harder for Mikey. Evenly matched in height, weight and agility, there was no clear favourite to win and both showed no fear, pulling off some incredible moves. With several near falls for both men, the match went back and forth. This really was one of those matches were both guys deserved to win, but this time it was Mikey who took the victory and I for one would absolutely love to see a rematch! In fact why not check this one out for yourself by clicking here - you'll be glad you did!
The main event was the final of the Battle of West Lothian tournament between LJT and Venym. Despite this being a good match, for me it was a little bit of an anti-climax after the previous match. I don't know if Venym gave it all in his previous match to make it to the final but he appeared to be a bit tired in this match and LJT definitely outshone him in this match and was a worth winner in the end!
The next event Taking Over is on 6th June at Murieston Scout Hall and is sure to be another cracking show. Tickets are available now priced £10 Adults £5 Kids or a family ticket (2 adults, 2 kids) is £25. Reserved ringside seating is also available by booking online for £12.50 per person or £35 for the family ticket.
Check out Reckless Intent on Facebook to keep up to date with all their future events and ticketing information.
Same date, different day....same company, different venue! This event marked the one year anniversary of attending Reckless Intent shows....
The pre-show match was between Westy and Jam O'Malley for the Hardcore title, however due to our wee shop becoming ever more popular, I missed the entire match and the after-effects - which is something I will regret forever!!! Jam O'Malley won the match and the title, however Lou King Sharp then appeared and took the belt, only for Saint-George to nail him with the Saint George Cross to take the belt. Sully then hit him with his "Begorrah Kick" to win the title and then the moment I will regret missing... Rob Mills hit Sully with an enziguri (now known as the Sullybreaker) and pinned him for the belt. His reign was shortlived as Westy rolled him up to win back the title before he was chased from the building by Jam O'Malley and Wee Jimmy.
The main show started with the first Battle of West Lothian semi-final between LJT and Jackie Grady, who was accompanied to the ring by Westy. The crowd were firmly behind Grady at first but as the match progressed a few others joined me in chanting for LJT. A good opening match where LJT showed his agility and flair in the ring taking a well deserved victory in this bout.
Next up the second Battle of West Lothian semi-final pitting newcomer Theo Doros against Venym. With both guys fairly evenly matched, either could have taken the three count and both had several near falls during the match. Even the crowd chants appeared to be evenly split between them. Venym spun Doros around the ring while the crowd counted the spins, before slingshotting him into the turnbuckles but Doros came back at him. Finally Venym hit his "poison rain" finisher on Doros to take the pinfall. In a show of sportsmanship, there was hugs and handshakes after the bell.
Next out to the ring was Saint-George who got on the microphone and riled the crowd by referring to the upcoming election and how they should all vote for UKIP, before handing out flyers to the crowd (which were quickly returned to him in ball format). He then proceeded to call out Rawlins. As Rawlins stood outside the ring, Conor Frost attacked him from behind, knocking him to the ground before picking him up and ramming his back into the ringpost. Meanwhile Saint-George left the ring, found a steel chair and smacked Rawlins over the head with it. At this point GM Jason McKinlay came out and called for some help for Rawlins while Saint-George and Frost celebrated in the ring, revealing that Frost's actions toward Rawlins over the last few months have all been leading to this moment.
With Rawlins down and seemingly unable to compete against Saint-George, Lou King Sharp made his appearance and asked the crowd if, now that the Englishman had no opponent, would they like to see Lou King Sharp "kick seven shades of English out of Saint-George". With the crowd giving a resounding yes, the match was on - but part way through, Rawlins reappeared, determined to get his hands on Saint-George and the match became a triple threat match. It appeared that the deck was stacked against the Englishman, however Saint-George capitalised when Rawlins missed a flying headbutt from the top rope and scored a very unpopular victory.
The first half main event saw a change to the originally advertised title match between Joe Hendry and Darren Lewis. After Jason McKinlay announced that Lewis would be unable to compete due to illness, Saint-George came out and introduced Massimo Italiano to the Reckless Intent crowd before taking a seat at ringside. The Italian then addressed the crowd in his native language and while the crowd may not have understood the words, they certainly got the message....Italiano was not a nice guy! Hendry then came out and after making a dig at the Italian, the match was on.....and a great match it was. These two big guys put it all out there - Hendry pulled off one of those suplexes that seem to never end while Italiano tried everything, including a lowblow, to try to take the title but it was Hendry who took the three count. Immediately Saint-George got into the ring and issued a challenge to the Reckless Intent Champion to put the title on the line on 6th June, which Hendry accepted.
Just before the interval, Jason McKinlay came out to the ring to announce a couple of a wrestler, the other Reckless Intent's No 1 fan...and both called Jackie. Jackie Grady and Jackie Cowan were both called out to the ring, where Jackie Cowan was presented with a card signed by the entire roster!
First up after the interval was the Battle Royal featuring the BOWL tournament losers and a couple of wild cards, Rob Mills and Jam O'Malley. This also featured more Hardcore title action. Conor Frost pinned Westy for the Hardcore title before being pinned by Jam O'Malley. Saint-George hit O'Malley with the Saint George Cross but was unable to make the pin. Sully and then Rob Mills piled on top of O'Malley and Saint-George but neither was successful in getting a three count. Finally Westy jumped on top of the pile-up in the ring and scored the three count to retake the Hardcore title. Back to the Battle Royal, Saint-George and Conor Frost teamed up to clear everyone from the ring, before Frost eliminated himself and handing the win to Saint-George.
Jason McKinlay came out to the ring to address Taking Over on 6th June, in which both he and Bravehart would have a team compete for the right to run Reckless Intent. Saint-George made yet another appearance, getting himself a seat in the ring and making noise about how wonderful Bravehart is and how he would be helping Bravehart destroy McKinlay before demanding that McKinlay get on his knees and beg for mercy, at which point several roster members came out to back up the Reckless Intent General Manager and send Saint-George packing.
The penultimate match of the night saw Mikey take on the self proclaimed "Best Young Wrestler in the World" Lewis Girvan. An absolute belter of a match, this was by far my Match of the Night. Girvan took every opportunity to work the recently repaired knee of Mikey (and antagonising Janet) which only made the crowd cheer louder and harder for Mikey. Evenly matched in height, weight and agility, there was no clear favourite to win and both showed no fear, pulling off some incredible moves. With several near falls for both men, the match went back and forth. This really was one of those matches were both guys deserved to win, but this time it was Mikey who took the victory and I for one would absolutely love to see a rematch! In fact why not check this one out for yourself by clicking here - you'll be glad you did!
The main event was the final of the Battle of West Lothian tournament between LJT and Venym. Despite this being a good match, for me it was a little bit of an anti-climax after the previous match. I don't know if Venym gave it all in his previous match to make it to the final but he appeared to be a bit tired in this match and LJT definitely outshone him in this match and was a worth winner in the end!
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LJT with the Battle of West Lothian Trophy |
The next event Taking Over is on 6th June at Murieston Scout Hall and is sure to be another cracking show. Tickets are available now priced £10 Adults £5 Kids or a family ticket (2 adults, 2 kids) is £25. Reserved ringside seating is also available by booking online for £12.50 per person or £35 for the family ticket.
Check out Reckless Intent on Facebook to keep up to date with all their future events and ticketing information.
Conor Frost,
Jackie Grady,
Jam O'Malley,
Jason McKinlay,
Joe Hendry,
Lewis Girvan,
Lou King Sharp,
Massimo Italiano,
Reckless Intent,
Rob Mills,
Theo Doros,
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