Saturday 25 April 2015
Last Saturday of the month can only mean one thing.....SWE Uprising!
The pre-show match was a rematch from last month with Kenny Kyd once again facing JD Wilde. This was another nice match from the trainees and they seemed to have improved on their previous encounter. This time is was JD Wilde who took the victory and with the count now standing at one apiece, I look forward to seeing a decider in the near future!
The main show began with a Triple Threat match. "The Superstar" Darren Lewis made his SWE debut and with him and Massimo Italiano already in the ring, Chaz Phoenix came out to announce the return of Mikey. Mikey got straight down to business, showing he was fully recovered from his knee surgery but was knocked from the post by the big Italian. Lewis and Italiano went at it before Mikey returned to take down both of his opponents, finally scoring the pinfall on Lewis, much to the delight of the crowd.
Ian Ambrose then came out to the ring carrying his cardboard replica belt and proclaiming himself Champ. SWE Heavyweight Champion Joe Hendry then came out for a face to face confrontation which ended in a lot of posturing with each trying to make their belt the most visible! Add LJT to the mix, who announced he was sick of the politics and wanted a title match that night. Finally Chaz Phoenix appeared and announced that there would be no championship match that night, but that Ambrose and Hendry would have to put there differences aside as they would be be teaming together in the main event, a tag team match against LJT and a partner of his choice.
The next match saw Venym face Felix Fortune. Venym came out with his Comix Zone tag partner Rawlins dressed as two of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to the original TMNT movie theme, much to the amusement of the crowd. Fortune was booed from the minute he appeared through the curtains. Fortune appeared to have Venym well under control, including hitting five elbow drops in a row but Venym managed to fight back and take the pinfall.
Next out to the ring was Jackie Grady who would face Rawlins (who once again came out to the ring with Venym to TMNT). I have to admit that I am not too keen on the Comix Zone comedy persona of Rawlins and really miss "The Baddest Man in Professional Wrestling" heel that he used to be! This was a decent enough match but I couldn't really get into it (I blame the gimmick). Rawlins took the victory by pinfall.
The first match of the second half was one that had been brewing for a while. After months of antagonising on Facebook, Saint-George would finally face Chaz Phoenix. Phoenix made an immediate impact on the bigmouthed Englishman, taking the action outside the ring, where unfortunately Saint-George managed to reverse the momentum. As Phoenix was starting to gain some momentum, Saint-George was joined by Conor Frost but even this was not enough and Phoenix nailed Saint-George with a cracking piledriver to take the win. An irate Bravehart then made an appearance, attacking Phoenix from behind before taking the microphone, berating Phoenix, then Chris Duke and calling out Reckless Intent's General Manager Jason McKinlay and threatening to take control of Reckless Intent at their event on 6 June.
Next up, Jay the Jackal put the Future Division title on the line against former champ Scotty Riccio, who had been promised a rematch by Chaz Phoenix. With "The Associate" at ringside to assist, The Jackal was determined not to give up the title, however the referee put paid to any plans by sending "The Associate" backstage. Riccio appeared to have the Jackal well under control but while having a discussion with the referee, The Jackal struck from behind with a lowblow. The referee called for the bell and it was announced that Riccio was the winner by DQ but as the title can only change hands by pinfall or submission, The Jackal retained the title. "The Associate" then reappeared and both he and The Jackal beat on Riccio. JD Wilde, Kenny Kyd and Theo Doros came out to try to save Riccio but each failed. Finally The Jackal and "The Associate" left the ring, with Riccio draped over the big man's shoulders.
The final match of the night - Joe Hendry and Ian Ambrose wait in the ring to see who LJT has chosen as his partner. LJT made his entrance and turned to show he was wearing the mask of EG Mackie, who appeared from behind the curtain wearing LJT's mask. While Hendry and Ambrose continued to posture with their belts, LJT and Mackie took the opportunity to double team them, dropping Hendry to the mat and then dumping Ambrose on top of his partner. Mackie then threw Ambrose from the ring, leaving LJT and Hendry to continue. This was a cracking match with some lovely moves from everyone involved. The highlights for me were Mackie reversing his fortunes when Ambrose and Hendry had him in a suplex - they held him too long and Mackie flipped himself down onto his feet, dropping the two big men and then later in the match when he launched from the turnbuckle to knock the guys standing outside of the ring down like skittles. LJT and Mackie work really well together and they proved it once again by taking the win and another Match of the Night.
SWE have Uprising shows in the Ardler Complex on the last Saturday of each month and are now working toward their big annual show Hell For Lycra, which is being held on 29 August in Caird Hall. To keep up to date with future events and ticket information, check out SWE on Facebook
Generally wrestling related....although you never know what might show up here!!!!
Saturday, 30 May 2015
Review: SWE Uprising: The Jackal, The Snitch and The Lobbie Press
Chaz Phoenix,
Darren Lewis,
Euan Mackie,
Felix Fortune,
Ian Ambrose,
Jackie Grady,
Jay the Jackal,
Joe Hendry,
Massimo Italiano,
Scotty Riccio,
Saturday, 23 May 2015
Review: Reckless Intent presents Sunday Slam: 2015 BOWL Qualifier
Sunday 19 April 2015
It was this weekend a year ago that I first discovered the existence of Reckless Intent after seeing a couple of the guys on an SWE show and had yet to actually see an RI show - how time flies - and how things change....
As has become usual, Rob and I were at the unit early to help with the setup. Although this was a Sunday show, it was also the qualifier for the next Saturday show and Rob was not on the card....or so I thought.....
I got the shock of my life when the show was opened with the appearance of Rob Mills, who got into the ring, took the microphone and announced that he was "the heart and soul of Sunday Slam" and having been omitted from the tournament, he was holding the event hostage until he got a match! (Apparently my face was a picture but thankfully no-one thought to actually take one.) Well he got his match all right...from none other than Mikey, who was returning to the ring after having surgery on his knee. This was a cracking match to start the show. Mills put on a great performance against Mikey, definitely the best I have seen from him, and although Mikey thoroughly annihilated him in the end, I was very proud of my boy.
Next up was the first of the BOWL qualifying matches between Saint-George and newcomer Theo Doros. With Saint-George being his usual arrogant self, he proclaimed that this year he would go a step further, having been beaten in last year's tournament in the semi-final. Continuing a run of good matches, Saint-George gave it a good try but, to the delight of the crowd, he took a step backward and it was Theo Doros who took the win and a place in the semi-final on 2 May.
The next qualifier was a triple threat match between Sambroso Maestro, Sweet Johnny and Jackie Grady. Before the match started, Saint-George appeared and attacked Westy, who was accompanying Grady to the ring, and took the Hardcore Title, however his reign was short lived as ring announcer Sully quickly took the title from Saint-George. The match then got underway, producing many comedy moments, including Grady sucking up to referee Brian Laing and Sambroso and Sweet Johnny teaming against Grady before falling out with each other over who would be allowed to make the pin. Grady's sucking up may have actually worked for him as he scored the pinfall on Sweet Johnny to take the win.
The first half main event was an exhibition match between Scott Renwick and Falcon. Renwick came out to the ring accompanied by one of his fellow SOS members Darren Lewis. Once Renwick got in the ring, Lewis was roaming around ringside and as he approached me, I moved into the ring apron to allow him plenty of room to pass. Instead he moved right in front of me and yelled "MOVE" in my face. Now it has been a while since I have got into a nose to nose with a heel but never have and never will let one bully I stood my ground and told him no. I will admit that I was actually a wee bit scared as I thought he was going to pick me up and move me, but Renwick, who is slowing starting to see the light, stuck his head through the ropes and told Lewis to walk round me - thank you Scotty!! Falcon then made his way into the ring and the match began..and it was a corker! The skill and experience of these two wrestlers was a joy to watch. With the momentum swinging back and forth between them, it came down to interference from Lewis, from standing on the apron to distract the referee while Falcon went for a pin on Renwick during the match to entering the ring at the end with a steel chair as Falcon looked to be nearing a victory. As the referee demanded that Lewis and his chair leave, he was caught by Falcon and knocked out, leaving Lewis free to make his mark. With Renwick holding Falcon, Lewis swung the chair only for Falcon to drop out of the way and Lewis so nearly nailed his own guy, only just stopping short. It looked as though Renwick was finally going to turn on Lewis and the crowd yelled for him to nail Lewis with the chair, however it was not to be and Falcon took the blow just before the referee recovered and Renwick made the pin. Renwick seemed unhappy with his victory however with Lewis buzzing in his ear, he made a final attack on Falcon before leaving ringside and some of the other roster members came out to help Falcon from the ring.
The second half began with another BOWL triple threat qualifier LJT beat Davidian Fury and Graeme Leask. Fury and Leask started by double teaming LJT but this was a short-lived tactic as they each wanted the win for themselves. LJT pulled off a couple of cracking moves on both guys during the match, leaping over the ropes to take both men down early on and a lovely splash from the top turnbuckle onto both guys about midway through. A slightly controversial finish but one the crowd thoroughly enjoyed came as LJT pinned Fury but the referee had been knocked out of the ring - enter the little lad that Fury had terrorised at a previous show to make the three count and give LJT the victory.
The final qualifier saw Conor Frost face Venym. Frost is most definitely a better wrestler than he is a referee in my opinion but is just as unpopular with the crowd. Complaining about Venym's accessory, a foam disc launcher, Frost attacked Venym from behind as he removed it from his wrist. Frost had the upperhand for the early part of this match but I have to admit that I missed part of it ("old lady syndrome" struck at the wrong time and I had to go to the loo). When I returned Venym had gained the advantage and pinned Frost for the victory.
General Manager Jason McKinlay came out to the ring to make the draw for the semi-final matches. Venym would face Theo Doros and Grady would face LJT at the BOWL on 2 May. As the semi-finalists faced each other in the ring, Saint-George appeared and attacked Sully for the Hardcore title. As Saint-George celebrated, Mikey attacked and beat down Saint-George but instead of pinning him, he pushed Westy forward and Westy took the three count to re-take the Hardcore belt.
The main event saw Darren Lewis put the UK Title on the line against Rawlins. Now this match had all the ingredients to make a a fantastic match - SOS member against one of the RI Originals for the title - but, for me, something was missing. There wasn't the passion and spark that I expected and it turned out to be just a good match. After going back and forth, it appeared that Rawlins had the win in the bag when Scott Renwick appeared at ringside. While it looked like he was on the side of Rawlins, telling him to go for the pin and not try anything fancy, he actually distracted Rawlins and allowed Lewis to take the victory.
I had two contenders for my Match of the Day - Rob Mills v Mikey and Scott Renwick v Falcon and I know I will be accused of favouritism whichever match I pick (cos everyone knows I am a total mark for Scott Renwick) but I have to give it to Rob and Mikey... firstly because it really was a damn good match and secondly for managing to keep it secret and giving me the "OMG" moment too!
Because this is being published late, the BOWL event has already taken place and the next events are Sunday Slam on 24 May at the RI Unit and Taking Over on 6 June at Murieston Scout Hall.
Check out the Reckless Intent Facebook page for details of events and tickets for upcoming events.
It was this weekend a year ago that I first discovered the existence of Reckless Intent after seeing a couple of the guys on an SWE show and had yet to actually see an RI show - how time flies - and how things change....
As has become usual, Rob and I were at the unit early to help with the setup. Although this was a Sunday show, it was also the qualifier for the next Saturday show and Rob was not on the card....or so I thought.....
I got the shock of my life when the show was opened with the appearance of Rob Mills, who got into the ring, took the microphone and announced that he was "the heart and soul of Sunday Slam" and having been omitted from the tournament, he was holding the event hostage until he got a match! (Apparently my face was a picture but thankfully no-one thought to actually take one.) Well he got his match all right...from none other than Mikey, who was returning to the ring after having surgery on his knee. This was a cracking match to start the show. Mills put on a great performance against Mikey, definitely the best I have seen from him, and although Mikey thoroughly annihilated him in the end, I was very proud of my boy.
Next up was the first of the BOWL qualifying matches between Saint-George and newcomer Theo Doros. With Saint-George being his usual arrogant self, he proclaimed that this year he would go a step further, having been beaten in last year's tournament in the semi-final. Continuing a run of good matches, Saint-George gave it a good try but, to the delight of the crowd, he took a step backward and it was Theo Doros who took the win and a place in the semi-final on 2 May.
The next qualifier was a triple threat match between Sambroso Maestro, Sweet Johnny and Jackie Grady. Before the match started, Saint-George appeared and attacked Westy, who was accompanying Grady to the ring, and took the Hardcore Title, however his reign was short lived as ring announcer Sully quickly took the title from Saint-George. The match then got underway, producing many comedy moments, including Grady sucking up to referee Brian Laing and Sambroso and Sweet Johnny teaming against Grady before falling out with each other over who would be allowed to make the pin. Grady's sucking up may have actually worked for him as he scored the pinfall on Sweet Johnny to take the win.
The first half main event was an exhibition match between Scott Renwick and Falcon. Renwick came out to the ring accompanied by one of his fellow SOS members Darren Lewis. Once Renwick got in the ring, Lewis was roaming around ringside and as he approached me, I moved into the ring apron to allow him plenty of room to pass. Instead he moved right in front of me and yelled "MOVE" in my face. Now it has been a while since I have got into a nose to nose with a heel but never have and never will let one bully I stood my ground and told him no. I will admit that I was actually a wee bit scared as I thought he was going to pick me up and move me, but Renwick, who is slowing starting to see the light, stuck his head through the ropes and told Lewis to walk round me - thank you Scotty!! Falcon then made his way into the ring and the match began..and it was a corker! The skill and experience of these two wrestlers was a joy to watch. With the momentum swinging back and forth between them, it came down to interference from Lewis, from standing on the apron to distract the referee while Falcon went for a pin on Renwick during the match to entering the ring at the end with a steel chair as Falcon looked to be nearing a victory. As the referee demanded that Lewis and his chair leave, he was caught by Falcon and knocked out, leaving Lewis free to make his mark. With Renwick holding Falcon, Lewis swung the chair only for Falcon to drop out of the way and Lewis so nearly nailed his own guy, only just stopping short. It looked as though Renwick was finally going to turn on Lewis and the crowd yelled for him to nail Lewis with the chair, however it was not to be and Falcon took the blow just before the referee recovered and Renwick made the pin. Renwick seemed unhappy with his victory however with Lewis buzzing in his ear, he made a final attack on Falcon before leaving ringside and some of the other roster members came out to help Falcon from the ring.
The second half began with another BOWL triple threat qualifier LJT beat Davidian Fury and Graeme Leask. Fury and Leask started by double teaming LJT but this was a short-lived tactic as they each wanted the win for themselves. LJT pulled off a couple of cracking moves on both guys during the match, leaping over the ropes to take both men down early on and a lovely splash from the top turnbuckle onto both guys about midway through. A slightly controversial finish but one the crowd thoroughly enjoyed came as LJT pinned Fury but the referee had been knocked out of the ring - enter the little lad that Fury had terrorised at a previous show to make the three count and give LJT the victory.

General Manager Jason McKinlay came out to the ring to make the draw for the semi-final matches. Venym would face Theo Doros and Grady would face LJT at the BOWL on 2 May. As the semi-finalists faced each other in the ring, Saint-George appeared and attacked Sully for the Hardcore title. As Saint-George celebrated, Mikey attacked and beat down Saint-George but instead of pinning him, he pushed Westy forward and Westy took the three count to re-take the Hardcore belt.
The main event saw Darren Lewis put the UK Title on the line against Rawlins. Now this match had all the ingredients to make a a fantastic match - SOS member against one of the RI Originals for the title - but, for me, something was missing. There wasn't the passion and spark that I expected and it turned out to be just a good match. After going back and forth, it appeared that Rawlins had the win in the bag when Scott Renwick appeared at ringside. While it looked like he was on the side of Rawlins, telling him to go for the pin and not try anything fancy, he actually distracted Rawlins and allowed Lewis to take the victory.
I had two contenders for my Match of the Day - Rob Mills v Mikey and Scott Renwick v Falcon and I know I will be accused of favouritism whichever match I pick (cos everyone knows I am a total mark for Scott Renwick) but I have to give it to Rob and Mikey... firstly because it really was a damn good match and secondly for managing to keep it secret and giving me the "OMG" moment too!
Because this is being published late, the BOWL event has already taken place and the next events are Sunday Slam on 24 May at the RI Unit and Taking Over on 6 June at Murieston Scout Hall.
Check out the Reckless Intent Facebook page for details of events and tickets for upcoming events.
Conor Frost,
Darren Lewis,
Davidian Fury,
Graeme Leask,
Jackie Grady,
Reckless Intent,
Rob Mills,
Sambroso Maestro,
Scott Renwick,
Sweet Johnny,
Theo Doros,
Friday, 15 May 2015
Review: Discovery Wrestling Superkick Party
Friday 10 April 2015
Well I admit that I had been slightly disappointed with some aspects of the last Discovery show, but they more than made up for it with this one....and once again the full show is available to watch FREE by clicking here!!
The first match of the night saw Martyn Stallyon, who was accompanied to the ring by Lady Debbie Sharpe, face Deviation. This was the first actual match for Deviation at Discovery and boy was he impressive. No matter what Stallyon threw at him, he just kept on going, bouncing back from dropkicks and slams to the floor outside the ring as if nothing happened. Stallyon obviously realised there was no chance for him and tried to make his escape, only to have Danny Boy Rodgers appear and force him back into the ring and take what was coming to him...the mandible claw.
Next up was Sammii Jayne v Nikki Storm in one of the best women's matches I have seen....the only negative was the referee, who once again tried to insert himself into the action and actually had to be told to get out the way by Storm (and she wasn't the only wrestler to say that!) Storm was her usual magnificent self, proving that size is irrelevant when you have the talent and the drive. Sammii Jayne proved she had some moves too but she also had the unfair advantage of having her "bae" Debbie Sharpe at ringside and Sharpe made her presence felt, grabbing the leg of Storm when on the turnbuckles and allowing Sammii Jayne to land a cracking superkick and take the pinfall.
The first half main event was the Superkick Party advertised! 4 teams, The Wild Lions, The Gatecrashers, The Global Kings and The Young Bucks in an elimination match. Now I had said in previous blogs that I am not a big fan of these types of matches but this one was pure gold. With Christopher Saynt injured, he announced Aspen Faith as his replacement for the Gatecrashers. The Global Kings, Joe Hendry and Lou King Sharp had me in stitches during their entrance as each strived to steal the limelight - Hendry playing up to the camera and Sharp jumping on his back to get in the frame was hysterical! The match started in chaos with battles inside and outside of the ring but quickly settled after Lou King Sharp was launched from the ring onto the other competitors by the Young Bucks. After the Gatecrashers and Wild Lions were eliminated the rivalry between Hendry and Sharp to be the main man of the team became more apparent and gave more amusing moments. Ultimately The Young Bucks took the victory in a match that you really should watch for yourself!
The second half started with Ian Ambrose coming out to the ring and issuing an open challenge to anyone in the locker room to face him. The challenge was answered by Lionheart, who had recently made his return to the ring after a devastating injury a year ago. There was no sign of ring rust as Lionheart took the fight to Ambrose, spring over the ropes to continue the match outside the ring. Ambrose managed to gain momentum and pulled out some cracking moves but Lionheart would not be beaten and hit a beautiful frogsplash to take the victory.
The penultimate match was Rampage Brown v Joe Coffey and once again, the only negative in the match was the referee! Coffey made one young fan's night when he spotted her at ringside wearing an Iron Man mask and he gave her his own mask. The match was amazing - both guys trying everything to win only to have the other counter. There were several near pins by both guys where their opponent only just managed to kick out and this match could easily have gone either way but it ended with Coffey winning by disqualification after Brown hit him with a lowblow. As Coffey recovered in the ring, Brown starting looking under the ring (probably for a steel chair) but settled for the steel bell before grabbing Coffey in order to pile drive him onto it. Luckily for Coffey, Big Damian O'Connor appeared and Brown dropped Coffey and ran from the ring. Damo called Brown a coward and asked for a rematch on 22 May and Brown agreed.
Finally it was time for the main event and a match I have been looking forward to seeing since last October when these two men started off a four man elimination match. Tonight the final of the Y Division Tournament would take place and see either Lewis Girvan or Chris Sabin crowned the first ever Y Division Champion. There really are no words to describe just how incredible this match was and all I can say is please click on the link at the top of the blog and watch for yourself. Both guys did an incredible job and while Sabin won the title, Girvan won the respect of everyone watching. I look forward to seeing these two go at it again in the future.
The next Discovery wrestling show is on May 22nd at Napier University Sports Centre and is sure to be another cracker, with Tommaso Ciampa and Juventud Guerrera scheduled to appear. Keep up to date with this and future events by liking the Discovery Wrestling Facebook page
Well I admit that I had been slightly disappointed with some aspects of the last Discovery show, but they more than made up for it with this one....and once again the full show is available to watch FREE by clicking here!!
The first match of the night saw Martyn Stallyon, who was accompanied to the ring by Lady Debbie Sharpe, face Deviation. This was the first actual match for Deviation at Discovery and boy was he impressive. No matter what Stallyon threw at him, he just kept on going, bouncing back from dropkicks and slams to the floor outside the ring as if nothing happened. Stallyon obviously realised there was no chance for him and tried to make his escape, only to have Danny Boy Rodgers appear and force him back into the ring and take what was coming to him...the mandible claw.
Next up was Sammii Jayne v Nikki Storm in one of the best women's matches I have seen....the only negative was the referee, who once again tried to insert himself into the action and actually had to be told to get out the way by Storm (and she wasn't the only wrestler to say that!) Storm was her usual magnificent self, proving that size is irrelevant when you have the talent and the drive. Sammii Jayne proved she had some moves too but she also had the unfair advantage of having her "bae" Debbie Sharpe at ringside and Sharpe made her presence felt, grabbing the leg of Storm when on the turnbuckles and allowing Sammii Jayne to land a cracking superkick and take the pinfall.
The first half main event was the Superkick Party advertised! 4 teams, The Wild Lions, The Gatecrashers, The Global Kings and The Young Bucks in an elimination match. Now I had said in previous blogs that I am not a big fan of these types of matches but this one was pure gold. With Christopher Saynt injured, he announced Aspen Faith as his replacement for the Gatecrashers. The Global Kings, Joe Hendry and Lou King Sharp had me in stitches during their entrance as each strived to steal the limelight - Hendry playing up to the camera and Sharp jumping on his back to get in the frame was hysterical! The match started in chaos with battles inside and outside of the ring but quickly settled after Lou King Sharp was launched from the ring onto the other competitors by the Young Bucks. After the Gatecrashers and Wild Lions were eliminated the rivalry between Hendry and Sharp to be the main man of the team became more apparent and gave more amusing moments. Ultimately The Young Bucks took the victory in a match that you really should watch for yourself!
The second half started with Ian Ambrose coming out to the ring and issuing an open challenge to anyone in the locker room to face him. The challenge was answered by Lionheart, who had recently made his return to the ring after a devastating injury a year ago. There was no sign of ring rust as Lionheart took the fight to Ambrose, spring over the ropes to continue the match outside the ring. Ambrose managed to gain momentum and pulled out some cracking moves but Lionheart would not be beaten and hit a beautiful frogsplash to take the victory.
The penultimate match was Rampage Brown v Joe Coffey and once again, the only negative in the match was the referee! Coffey made one young fan's night when he spotted her at ringside wearing an Iron Man mask and he gave her his own mask. The match was amazing - both guys trying everything to win only to have the other counter. There were several near pins by both guys where their opponent only just managed to kick out and this match could easily have gone either way but it ended with Coffey winning by disqualification after Brown hit him with a lowblow. As Coffey recovered in the ring, Brown starting looking under the ring (probably for a steel chair) but settled for the steel bell before grabbing Coffey in order to pile drive him onto it. Luckily for Coffey, Big Damian O'Connor appeared and Brown dropped Coffey and ran from the ring. Damo called Brown a coward and asked for a rematch on 22 May and Brown agreed.
Finally it was time for the main event and a match I have been looking forward to seeing since last October when these two men started off a four man elimination match. Tonight the final of the Y Division Tournament would take place and see either Lewis Girvan or Chris Sabin crowned the first ever Y Division Champion. There really are no words to describe just how incredible this match was and all I can say is please click on the link at the top of the blog and watch for yourself. Both guys did an incredible job and while Sabin won the title, Girvan won the respect of everyone watching. I look forward to seeing these two go at it again in the future.
The next Discovery wrestling show is on May 22nd at Napier University Sports Centre and is sure to be another cracker, with Tommaso Ciampa and Juventud Guerrera scheduled to appear. Keep up to date with this and future events by liking the Discovery Wrestling Facebook page
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