Saturday 17 May 2014
I always enjoy going to PWE shows - PWE was my introduction to the Scottish wrestling scene and for a while was the only promotion we went far we have come in such a short time!
Once we had met up with some good friends we have made in Ayrshire and got our seats sorted, Rob and I were on the lookout for Adrian "Lionheart" McCallum, the owner of PWE - I wanted to ask him if he was willing to do a "spotlight" on PWE for me and Rob had created a Tag Team belt design he wanted to give to Adrian. Adrian liked Rob's design and told him "it's funny you come to me with Tag Team designs tonight...." And I better get my ass in gear and sort the questions for the spotlight piece cos he said yes to that!!
The show started with a lovely video intro on the late, great, Ultimate Warrior, dedicating the show to his memory.
The first match was billed as Instant Classic II, the tag rematch of Project Ego, Kris Travis and Martin Kirby versus Andy Wild and Noam Dar... and what a match it was. Andy Wild appeared in his new ring gear, looking considerably bigger than last time I saw him. Noam was his usual cheeky self, starting off messing around with the ref while Martin Kirby lay across the ropes in the corner waiting for him to get on with the match. The Dar/Wild combination took the upper hand early in the match, isolating Kirby for a while. When Travis finally got into the ring, he went wild and I was gobsmacked to see him take a boot to the face from Andy Wild, then a boot to the head from Dar, a powerbomb and still kick out of a pin, only to then bulldog Wild and clothesline Dar at the same time. Pic is a bit blurry but still...

Anyway, Project Ego took the win again and after all shaking hands, they left ringside, while Dar decided to take the mic and state that while this tag team thing was cool, he was ready to go back into singles competition and the title scene. Wild reminded Dar that he had a title rematch to claim and that he became the first ever PWE Heavyweight Champion after defeating Dar and challenged him to a match at Gradomania, which Dar accepted. Having seen these two guys face each other before, this one is not to be missed.
There was then a promotional video of Iestyn Rees "a heavyweight powerhouse set to make his debut in Scotland this Autumn" I googled him and checked out some of his matches on YouTube and can say I am looking forward to seeing him wrestling live!
Next up was billed as a 2 on 1 handicap match with Davey Blaze and TJ Rage taking on Joe Coffey. Blaze and Rage appeared, accompanied by "The Manager of Champions" Charles Boddington, who took the mic and informed the crowd that Joe Coffey had failed to show and set up an open challenge to anyone brave enough, answered by Lou King Sharp. There are two things I have learned about Sharp, 1) he is tiny, and 2) he is fast! It's really hard to get a good pic of him cos he literally flies about the ring so damn fast, he is either completely out of shot or a blur! His speed worked for him at the start, when he caught both of the bigger guys napping, but it was just a matter of time before he succumbed to the brutality of Rage and Blaze. Give the wee guy his due, he didn't give up and kept trying but there was no coming back from the spear from Rage and after the big guys took the win, Boddington was back on the mic, spouting off about how the team of Blaze and Rage were not only the best team in PWE, they were the best in the whole of the UK...only for the words "Card Subject To Change" to ring out of the PA system and the lights dim...enter NAK members BT Gunn and Chris Renfrew who immediately tear into Blaze and Rage. As they are battling, Project Ego reappear in the ring with Kirby taking the mic and saying that Ego are not only the best team in the UK, they are the best tag team in the World and if the other guys want to find out just how good they are, then they should have a triple threat match at Gradomania. The crowd love it and the card for Gradomania just keeps getting better!
The first half main event pitted "Bad Boy" Liam Thomson against Uhaa Nation. This was by far Match of the Night. It also produced a first for me - after antagonising Thomson as usual and getting told to shut up, Uhaa Nation leans over he ropes and says "Love your hair" - my first ever compliment!! Anyway back to the match - bloody incredible. To be honest, I don't think anything I could write could accurately describe just how bloody incredible it was so instead I will just say PWE have uploaded the full match on
YouTube and you NEED to watch it....The double standing moonsault finish Uhaa pulled off on Liam was utterly astounding!!! If you ever get the opportunity to see this guy in action live, take it - he is amazing and you won't regret it. I also have to say hats off to Liam Thomson because he really put in the effort in this match (and as I have said in a blog about another show, it doesn't matter how good a wrestler is if his opponent doesn't put in the work too.)
During the interval, we were able to have photos taken in the ring with Uhaa Nation by the ever lovely Mr David Wilson....Rob and I were in there like a shot! We were really lucky to catch the man again at the end of the show and have him sign the photo!
The second half kicked off with another video, this time announcing The Fallen Angel, Christopher Daniels would be coming to PWE in September. This news had the crowd buzzing and Rob immediately told me "We are going!"
Next up were fan favourites Wolfgang and Joey Hayes facing each other. Joey came out in new Marvel themed ring gear...but Rob noticed he was wearing a superman armband which was not only upside down, it was DC and apparently Marvel and DC should not be mixed!! The match was good, with the crowd split and both guys getting cheers, Hayes kept trying to lift Wolfgang and after going back and forward a while, he finally managed it, but it was Wolfgang who took the win. Wolfgang extended his hand and with the crowd chanting to shake his hand, Hayes shook it but then attacked Wolfgang from behind. He appeared to be leaving the ring, but returned moments later with a chair and continued his attack. When he finally left the ring, it was to boos from the crowd - heel turn complete!
The raffle was then drawn and normally the ticket directly after mine tends to get pulled, so I was shocked to actually win something - two tickets to Gradomania!
It was then time for the contract signing for the main event at Gradomania, Grado and Dave Mastiff. Grado came out to a fantastic reception, taking the microphone and telling the fans that it was thanks to them he was getting to live his dream but he really wanted to win a title to validate everything and that he was coming back in July with his sights set on taking that belt home with him. Mastiff appeared on the big screen and began berating Grado and saying he wasnt worth the effort to travel to sign the contract and that if Grado chooses to sign, he will in fact be signing his own death warrant. Of course, Grado goes ahead and signs....and suddenly Kid Fite's music starts to play and out he came along with Charles Boddington, Davey Blaze and TJ Rage. Fite then berated Grado too, saying that the "wee chubby chancer" who started out putting videos on YouTube did not deserve a title shot, that Kid Fite was a real wrestler who had worked his way up over the last 10 years and was more deserving, before he, Blaze and Rage attacked Grado. Enter El Ligero to help even the numbers.
There was then battles in the crowd, with Grado tackling Kid Fite and TJ Rage amongst the crowd on the other side of the ring, while El Ligero was kicking seven shades of something nasty out of Davey Blaze right behind me! When they finally got back into the ring, a 3 on 2 handicap match is announced. The heels take the upper hand, isolating El Ligero after TJ Rage caught his crossbody attempt and subjecting him to some serious punishment. While chanting for El Ligero, Kid Fite tells me to shut up, I tell him to come and make me and he says he will swing me around by my blue hair - I love it!! Finally Grado gets tagged in and shows Kid Fite he does actually have some wrestling moves. Then all 5 men are in the ring and it gets hard to work out who is doing what, but Blaze ended up at our feet ringside, Rage hit Ligero with one of those devastating spears but took a boot from Grado, who then scored the pin.

The heels gather together with Blaze asking what happened as he missed it before Charles Boddington jumps into the ring and confronts Grado, who promptly decks the "Baldy Midget" before attempting a superfly splash from the top rope - Boddington moves out the way, Grado lands on his feet and does the splash from the mat instead. Boddington is carried away from the ring on the shoulders of Kid Fite, while Grado and El Ligero entertain the crowd with their celebrations.
The next PWE show is their 3rd Anniversary show, Gradomania on 19 July and the card is already shaping up nicely. Tickets are available from Skiddle
click here to check availability.
Platinum packages are also available for PWE Fallen Angel on 13 September, priced at £40. While this price might appear a little steep, they are limited to just 50 and gets early entry and a meet and greet with Christopher Daniels....and with numbers limited there is not a rushed feeling that you get at some of the big show fan interactions. Rob & I have ours booked already and last I heard 50% of the platinum tickets had gone so if you want to take advantage of this, be quick and
click here now. Going by past events, I assume the silver and general admission tickets will go on sale just after Gradomania.
Links to the promo and intro videos mentioned in the blog and information on future events can also be found on the Pro Wrestling Elite
Facebook page